Career Services hosts on-site employer interviews with students. On-campus interviews provide employers an efficient and cost-effective way to interview many qualified students in a relatively short period of time.
Generally, fall OCIs begin in mid-August; spring OCIs begin in mid-February. Register for either or both sessions via HIRE Bowen or call 501-916-5419 or email our office to reserve a date.
In HIRE Bowen, you will be able to reserve an interview date and establish your criteria for students to interview, such as preferred GPA or submissions of writing samples and transcripts. The Career Services staff must approve your request to interview on campus. Interested students who satisfy your criteria can request an interview. Resumes and other documents requested will be available to you online in HIRE Bowen, or Career Services can generate a PDF packet for you. You may then select which students you want to interview.
Please register a minimum of three weeks before the date you want to conduct interviews.