Building Community

According to Dr. Richard Light in Making the Most of College, community membership is an integral part of students’ learning. Below are ideas on how to establish a community within the classroom.

  • Learn names. Everyone makes an effort to learn at least a few names.
  • Set up a buddy system so students can contact each other about assignments and coursework.
  • Find out about your students via questions on an index card.
  • Take pictures of students (snapshots in small groups, mug shots) and post in classroom, office, or lab.
  • Arrange helping trios of students to assist each other in learning and growing.
  • Form small groups for getting acquainted; mix and form new groups several times.
  • Assign a team project early in the semester and provide time to assemble the team.
  • Help students form study groups to operate outside the classroom.
  • Solicit suggestions from students for outside resources and guest speakers on course topics.