Article IV. College, School, and Department Governance

Revision 41, 1-25-2019

 The faculty of each college or school shall develop a governance document that specifies written policies and procedures for conducting business and shall hold meetings at least once each semester of the nine- month academic year. Unless provided otherwise in the governance document, additional meetings shall be held upon written call signed by one-fourth or more of the full time faculty. In addition, meetings shall be held on written call of the dean.

The governance document shall be submitted for review first to the dean, then simultaneously to the executive vice chancellor and provost and to the Faculty Governance Committee, and finally to the Chancellor for approval. Each review shall be accomplished within 30 calendar days and comments from the reviewers shall accompany the document as it is forwarded throughout the review and approval process. The review of governance documents must occur during the regular nine-month academic year. Upon the agreement of the dean, executive vice chancellor and provost, and two representatives of the faculty governance committee, the review time may be extended to ninety days. Said policies shall not be in conflict with provisions outlined in the Faculty Handbook.

Responsibilities of colleges and schools are as follows:

  1. By secret ballot to elect representatives and one alternate for each representative to the Faculty Senate, the Undergraduate Council, the Graduate Council, the Council on Core Curriculum and Policies, the Committee on Tenure, and the Appeals Council. Election as an alternate will be for a one-year period only, and an alternate will serve only in the event of a vacancy. Each college or school will provide a list of alternates (by position) to the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate on an annual basis.
  2. To study college or school curricula. Each college or school shall establish its own curriculum process. Routing of curriculum and program proposals shall follow the procedures outlined in the description of the Undergraduate Council, the Council on Core Curriculum and Policies, and the Graduate Council.

The faculty of each department shall develop its own policies and procedures for conducting business and shall hold meetings at least once each semester of the nine-month academic year for the purpose of discussing and acting upon departmental affairs. In addition to the methods of calling meetings specified in an approved governance document, faculty meetings may be convened by a written call of the department chairperson or by a written call of one-fourth or more of the full-time faculty. The governance document shall be submitted for review first to the department chairperson, then to the dean, then simultaneously to the executive vice chancellor and provost and to the Faculty Governance Committee. After such reviews, the document is forwarded to the Chancellor for approval. The review shall be accomplished within 30 calendar days and comments from the reviewers shall accompany the document as it is forwarded throughout the review and approval process. The review of governance documents must occur during the regular nine-month academic year. Upon the agreement of the dean, executive vice chancellor and provost, and two representatives of the faculty governance committee, the review time may be extended to ninety days. Such policies shall not be in conflict with provisions outlined in the Faculty Handbook.