Procedures for Monitoring Expenditures on Sponsored Accounts

High-Value Purchases

High-value purchases are supplies and/or services that cost at least $3,000 per requisition, per FOAPAL.

Review and approval of goods and/or services that are equal to or exceed $3,000 per requisition on federally funded projects:

  1. PI/Unit Administrator creates a requisition in the Banner Financial System for needed items.
  2. The requisition is electronically routed through an established approval queue to Procurement Services via Banner and a Purchase Order (PO) is created for ordering an item or payment of an invoice.
  3. Procurement Services routes the PO electronically to ORSP via Banner.
  4. ORSP reviews the purchase in regard to the specific award terms and conditions and either approves the PO or returns it to the PI/Unit Administrator for corrections.
  5. After ORSP approves it, the PO is electronically routed to Procurement Services, which checks for appropriate approvals prior to submitting the PO to the vendor or routing invoice to Accounts Payable for payment.

Foreign  Travel

Foreign travel is defined as any travel outside the US borders. Mexico, Canada, and US Possessions are considered foreign destinations.

Review and approval of federally funded foreign travel:

  1. PI/Unit Administrator completes the Travel Authorization (TA) form and checks the box for foreign travel, if applicable.
  2. All TAs on sponsored accounts will be forwarded to ORSP for approval.
  3. ORSP reviews the foreign travel in regard to the specific award terms and conditions either approves or disapproves the travel and forwards the TA to the appropriate area.
  4. Procurement Services encumbers the money for the travel.
  5. Accounts Payable reviews the TA at the time of reimbursement. If no ORSP signature approval is on the form, it will again be routed to ORSP for review and approval prior to reimbursement.