Procedure for Selection of Architects and Engineers for Capital Projects – LR 704.2

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University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Policy Name: Procedure for Selection of Architects and Engineers for Capital Projects
Policy Number: LR 704.2
Effective Date: October 2, 2001
Revised Dates: November 9, 1979; June 18, 1982; January 18, 1986; June 13, 1986; October 2, 1992; May 20, 1994; October 2, 2001
Most Recent Review Date: October 2, 2001


  1. Following submission of a capital project proposal form to the president for review and recommendations, the president may approve the project and authorize commencement of the process to select design professionals for the project.
  2. After approval to begin the selection process for design professionals, the chancellor of the campus on which the project is to be constructed, or the vice president for agriculture for Division of Agriculture projects, shall constitute a committee to recommend selection of design professionals for the project. The committee shall consist of at least three (3) members, one of whom shall be the vice president for finance and administration or his or her designee. The selection committee shall cause an advertisement to be placed in a newspaper of general circulation for three (3) consecutive days briefly stating the scope of the required services, the project location, selection criteria in order of importance, any necessary forms to submit, closing date for responses and the address of the office which is to receive submissions. The selection committee may also utilize such other means and methods of communications as it deems appropriate to furnish notice to licensed architects and engineers of the proposed project, the selection process and criteria and other relevant information. At a minimum the selection committee shall allow ten (10) working days from the date of first publication in a newspaper of general circulation for design professionals to respond to the advertisement.
  3. Except as provided in Board Policy 730.2 with respect to major capital projects, the selection committee shall interview at least five (5) applicants. If less than five (5) firms submit responses, then all firms shall be interviewed. Following these interviews the selection committee shall compile a list of a minimum of three (3) firms recommended for the project and shall submit the list through the chancellor or vice president for agriculture, as appropriate, to the president. After review, the president shall submit to the Buildings and Grounds Committee of the Board of Trustees the committee’s recommendation of the design professional or professionals which it determined to be in the best interests of the university for design of the project.
  4. The Buildings and Grounds Committee of the Board of Trustees shall review the recommendation and, unless the Board of Trustees has delegated such decision to the Buildings and Grounds Committee, shall submit to the Board its recommendation of the design professional or professionals which it determines to be in the best interests of the university for design of the project.
  5. The Board of Trustees, or the Buildings and Grounds Committee, if authority has been delegated to it, shall make the final decision and authorize contracts to be negotiated and awarded to the design professional or professionals for the project.
  6. The vice president for finance and administration or his or her designee shall be authorized to negotiate the terms of the contract or contracts for professional services. Pursuant to the resolution of the Board authorizing negotiation for the terms of the contract or contracts, the president or vice president for finance and administration may enter into a contract or contracts with the design professional or professionals selected by the Board of Trustees or the Buildings and Grounds Committee, if authority has been delegated to it.

Source: UA Board of Trustees Policy 740.1, November 3, 1978
Status: Active
Approved By: UA Board of Trustees, Oct. 2, 2001
Originator: UA Board of Trustees
Custodian: UA Board of Trustees