Relations with Legislators and Members of Congress – LR 402.54

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University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Policy Name: Relations with Legislators and Members of Congress
Policy Number: LR 402.54
Effective Date: January 1, 1980


The Board of Trustees and the university administration respect the right of each university employee as a citizen to exercise freedom of expression on legislative issues. At the same time, university employees should not, unless authorized, attempt to speak as agents of the university in discussions with members of the Arkansas General Assembly, Arkansas constitutional officers, and members of Congress.

The president of the university, the vice president for university relations and public service, and the chancellors of the university campuses are the university officials responsible for liaison with members of the Arkansas General Assembly, Arkansas constitutional officers, and members of Congress concerning legislation and programs affecting any unit of the university.

The Board of Trustees, through its Legislative Committee, works with the president in defining university policy matters. The vice president for university relations and the chancellors are responsible for interpreting the policy and presenting data and other information to appropriate state officials and members of the Legislature.

University employees who wish the university to consider matters for incorporation into its legislative program should contact the Office of the Vice President for University Relations and Public Service.

Source: Administrative Memorandum 910.1
Revised: January 1, 1980
Approved By:
Custodian: University Relations