Sean Nadji

Sean Nadji, a Graduate Student in the Department of Psychology, recently returned from the IOOB conference. This conference is an annual student-led meeting bringing student scholars together with interests in industrial and organizational psychology and organizational behavior.

The research presented investigates Organizational Behavior and Health within the ministry, a setting lacking organizational research. Specifically, the research examines the effects of family and spouse involvement in the church on the ministers well-being. Since churches have a culture that extends past its organizational purview and into family life, the focus was whether this overlap between family and work life was beneficial, and if so, how?  By working alongside ones spouse or by having them involved in church activities, it might be possible to enrich their lives not only within the church but at home as well.  This may result in them feeling more engaged and resilient at work, perceiving a greater degree of clarity as to the expectations of them both as a minister and as a spouse, and ultimately feeling more satisfied with their calling.

The Department of Psychology is proud of these accomplishments and would like to congratulate Sean on his work!


Posted in: Psychology News

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