The UA Little Rock International Business program has announced its Field Study trip for Spring Break 2019. This year, Dr. Gilliam and his students will be visiting Prague in the Czech Republic from March 15 to March 24. This is a ten day Field Study Program spotlighting European Culture, Business and Entrepreneurship. The lecturers and visits will also examine how Czech firms navigate the European Union and Euro Zone. For a full itinerary, costs, requirements and other details, please visit the Spring 2019 IBUS Field Study webpage.
The trip is a required component of the Field Study in International Business class (IBUS 4316/5316) at UA Little Rock. MBA students may participate in the Field Study by registering for IBUS 5316, which will count as an elective toward the MBA program. Students will be required to register for the course, pay appropriate tuition for the course, and pay estimated travel costs ($3,800) that will cover most meals, hotels, airfare, and ground transportation. You must pay a $200 non-refundable application fee for the trip (just registering for the course does not guarantee your spot), by 5pm on Friday, November 16, 2018.
You can contact your adviser or department chair to determine if this class will satisfy requirements for your degree. The course is being organized this year by Dr. David Gilliam; students may contact him at or 501.569.8861. The MBA adviser is Dr. Sonya Premeaux and she may be contacted at