Cyber attacks prompt action by Department of Computer Science

Dr. Philip Huff, Director of Cybersecurity Research for the Emerging Analytics Center, was recently interviewed by THV 11. Dr. Huff, who is also an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science, discusses what steps are being taken at UA Little Rock to thwart cyber attacks. He then offers advice on how students and Arkansans can protect themselves and their data from cyber crime. Watch the full news spot.

According to Cybersecurity Intelligence, corporate attacks were up 50% in 2021. According to Verizon, 62% of small business experienced at least one cyber attack in 2021. Verizon also reports that ransomware attacks increased 13% in 2021, more than the past 5 years, combined. If you are interested in becoming a part of this ever-expanding field, visit our website.



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