FAQ Accommodated Exams

Where can students take tests if they get accommodations?

Exams can be scheduled through the Office of Testing Services.  We have detailed instructions for utilizing Testing Services to administer accommodated exams.  However, sometimes it’s preferable or necessary for professors to administer the test within their own department.  We have also provided detailed instructions for providing accommodations in exams in academic departments.

Can I just send the student to the Disability Resource Center to take a test?

No!  DRC has no space in which to administer exams.

I filled out the online request form at the beginning of the term.  The test is next week – how do I submit the exam to Testing Services?

If the exam wasn’t uploaded with the request form, you may email the exam as an attachment or have it dropped off in Testing Services.  Please contact Testing Services with questions.

Does Testing Services have all the Adaptive Technology (AT) students may need, such as screenreaders?

Yes. Testing Services works closely with Disability Resource Center to meet all AT needs.

If I have multiple students in the same class who receive accommodations, do I fill out the online request form for each student?

No. You may list multiple students on one form.