During Spring 2021 Barnes and Noble College (BNC), in collaboration with Student Affairs and IT Services, launched the Barnes and Noble Adoption & Insight Portal. This new Adoption & Insight Portal (AIP) replaces the old adoption platform, Faculty Enlight. Utilizing single sign-on, faculty can access Barnes and Noble AIP underneath the Faculty Services menu within BOSS.
(AIP) is a BNC web application that can be used by faculty/staff for researching, adopting and sharing insights about textbooks and course materials. AIP provides faculty a personalized, real-time experience powered by an export from the Student Information System (SIS). Additionally, there is a dashboard with real-time adoption insight data for academic leadership, in-line affordability recommendations for faculty, and 24/7 adoption support.
Faculty can contact the Barnes and Noble Adoption & Insight Portal at UA Little Rock by emailing brthomas2@ualr.edu if they have any questions.