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Deadline Approaches for Middle Eastern Studies Grants

Students and faculty still have time to apply for UALR’s Middle Eastern Studies Grant. Friday is the deadline to apply for the grant, which will pay up to $3,000 per person to support scholarship and activities in the area of Middle Eastern studies.

“UALR students and faculty are encouraged to think creatively about the activities for which the grants could pay,” said Jacek Lubecki, coordinator of UALR’s International and Middle Eastern Studies. “One example of an activity for which the money could pay is a summer language study program of Arabic or of another Middle Eastern language, abroad or in the United States.”

Previous recipients of the grant studied at the International Languages Institute in Cairo, Egypt. There are several institutions offering language study of Middle Eastern Languages.

Lubecki also suggested interested students visit the website for the National Council on US-Arab Relations. Other sources of information about overseas study can be found at the American University of Cairo or programs at the King Fahd Center at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.

To apply for the UALR Middle Eastern Studies Grant, students should submit a detailed letter of application together with a resumé and at least two letters of recommendation, of which one has to be from a UALR faculty member.

“Applicants should describe how proposed activities would fit into a coherent agenda of study, scholarship, and career, as well as how the recipient could contribute to the advancement of Middle Eastern Studies at UALR,” Lubecki said. Applicants should also state the amount of money they are seeking and submit a preliminary itemized budget.

Applications and recommendations can be submitted to:

Jacek Lubecki
Middle Eastern Studies Program
Department of Political Science
Stabler Hall 60E