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Faculty, Staff to Receive Weekly e-Newsletter

Beginning this week, all UALR faculty and staff members will have a new way to keep up with events throughout the campus. “Get Informed,” which has been used as a news medium for external stakeholders, will be expanded to include on-campus news as well.

Each week, all faculty and staff members will receive an electronic newsletter in their inboxes. Those who already subscribed to “Get Informed” in the past will continue to receive the newsletter.

Internal news has in the past been published in “Campus Update,” a paper edition designed to keep faculty and staff members in the know. However, printing this publication cost over $10,000 per year and many reams of paper. Many campuses and private businesses have decided to publish their internal news online in order to save in both these important areas.

“In order to be effective stewards of both the environment and our campus’ funds, we sought permission to discountinue the paper version of ‘Update,'” said Judy Williams, director of communications. “Publishing an electronic newsletter will allow us to reach everyone and release information in a more timely manner.”

To give news tips for possible inclusion in an upcoming “Get Informed,” e-mail