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UA Little Rock Downtown to Host Civilian Conservation Corps Exhibit During 2nd Friday Art Night

UA Little Rock Downtown will showcase a special exhibit on the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) during 2nd Friday Art Night April 8.

The Civilian Conservation Corps in Arkansas exhibit, curated by the UA Little Rock Center for Arkansas History and Culture, will be on display from 5-8 p.m. at UA Little Rock Downtown, located at 333 President Clinton Ave. It was made possible in partnership with the Arkansas Humanities Council with funding from the National Parks Service.

The exhibit is a collaborative work between the Center for Arkansas History and Culture, local archeologists and scientists, historians, and educators to explore the legacy of the Civilian Conservation Corps in Arkansas by reviewing its history and visiting the sites as they exist today.

The exhibit is an interactive experience based on historical materials from the center’s collections, photographs of CCC-built structures remaining in Arkansas Parks today, essays from scholars around the state written for a broad audience, as well as educational resources based on Arkansas state curriculum standards.

Other locations participating in Second Friday Art Night include: Downtown Little Rock Partnership, Bella Vita Jewelry, Old State House Museum, Historic Arkansas Museum, Nexus Coffee & Creative, and Sergio Valdivia Art as well as Central Arkansas Library System through the Bookstore at Library Square and the Galleries at Library Square.