Amelia Loken


Award-winning speaker and disability rights advocate Amelia Loken will graduated this month with a Master of Public Administration degree. Prior to this, she received her undergraduate degree at UA Little Rock in Interpretation: ASL/English in 2017. Continue reading “GRADUATING STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: AMELIA LOKEN”

An interdisciplinary research team from UA Little Rock is investigating the personal transformation effects of Heifer International's efforts to end poverty and build sustainable communities across the globe. The team includes, from left, Dr. Avinash Thombre, professor of applied communication, Dr. Julien Mirivel, professor of applied communication, , Dr. Tusty ten Bensel, director of the School of Criminal Justice and Criminology, and Dr. Kirk Leach, assistant professor of public affairs.

UA Little Rock Researchers Out to Uncover the Secrets of Personal Transformation Rooted in Heifer International’s Community-Building Efforts

An interdisciplinary research team from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock is investigating the personal transformation effects of Heifer International’s efforts to end hunger and poverty and build sustainable communities across the globe. Continue reading “UA Little Rock Researchers Out to Uncover the Secrets of Personal Transformation Rooted in Heifer International’s Community-Building Efforts”