The 2024-25 ALIGN application for AAS-RN students is open. The application deadline is Friday, July 26th at 5:00pm,
The State of Arkansas has recognized the challenge that the healthcare industry faces due to the nursing shortage that exists across the United States. OSD and Arkansas institutions of higher education have been empowered to design, develop, and implement innovative programs to fill this ever-increasing gap through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 for the Arkansas Linking Industry to Grow Nurses (ALIGN) Program. This grant program is aimed at upskilling lower-level professionals, expanding nursing apprenticeships, increasing nurse educator recruitment and retention, expanding clinical rotations, increasing nursing program capacity where relevant, reimbursing tuition, purchasing equipment, implementing simulation centers, and expanding labs.
Instructions: Please complete the following application. All aspects of the application, including the writing sample, must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Friday, July 26, 2024. Respond to each section as accurately as possible. If the application is incomplete, if you have not completed the FAFSA 2024-25 application, or if you are not enrolled in Fall 2024 AAS courses, you will not be considered for this scholarship.
- 8 traditional students will receive $2000 per semester
- 3 LPN/Paramedic to RN students will receive $1500 per semester