New Catalog Features Presentation, August 27

Join us Tuesday, August 27 from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. in the Donaghey Student Center Ledbetter Room C for the “Meet the Catalog” event.

Meet the Catalog
The offices of the Provost and Records and Registration will provide a short presentation and information session about the features in the new catalog site: The team will also discuss other changes related to the catalog to help the overall curriculum process.

The online catalog is part of a larger effort to improve UA Little Rock’s internal curricular processes and will also enhance student recruitment and retention by providing an attractive, easy-to-navigate interface for exploring academic programs.

The publication of the catalog site was a collaboration between the offices of the Provost, Records and Registration, Graduate School, Information Technology Services, Trojan Academic Advising and Support Center, Institutional Research and Analytics, and Communications.

Posted in: Announcements, Event

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