December 27, 1927
The Daily Journal Capital
Microfilm Roll: MN00274

Starting from left, top row: B. Davis, Shelton, Jim McLaughlin, George Deer, “Buck” Harding, Herb Spencer, Bill Shadlow, C. Budpot. Bottom row: John Levi, Otto Hamilton, George Young, Pete Lazelle, George Kipp, McGilvray, Alvaro Casey, George Nix, P. Hamilton.
On this day in Osage country, The Daily Journal-Capital published an article announcing the Hominy Indians legendary defeat over the New York Giants.
The Hominy Indians football team was established in the early 1920s. The team was comprised of members from several different tribes, including several Osage tribal members. The Hominy team played on a national level and was said to have been undefeated. It was this achievement that soon awarded them with the opportunity to play against the New York Giants.
According to the article, on December 26, 1927, the day after Christmas, the Hominy Indians defeated the New York Giants 13 to 6 in a “spectacular game.” The article also provides the thrilling details of the game, making the reader feel as if they were there to witness the action. It states:
“The first score came in the first quarter when a fleet Indian end snatched a pass from the air after Hill for the Giants had fumbled, and raced 50 yards for a touchdown. Nix, Pappio, Geo, and John Levi played a bang up game for the Indians while Ben Hobsome, Comstock, and Miller shone with equal brilliance for the Giants.”
To commemorate the Hominy team, Celia Xavier created a documentary, Playground of the Native Son. It is said that Xavier was completing one of her earlier films based on the Osage murders of the 1920s, when “she was given the only known black and white footage of the Hominy Indians in action, and some photographs of the players” (Indian Country). From there the project took off, and the full-length documentary was released in 2013.
Morgan M. Guzman
“Hominy Indians Triumph over New York Giants.” The Daily Journal-Capital. December 27, 1927, p. 6. Microfilm roll number MN00274. Sequoyah National Research Center, Little Rock, Arkansas.
Further Reading
“Hominy Indians Professional Football Team.” Hominy Heritage Association. Date accessed April 30, 2018.
May, John D. “Hominy.” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture. Date accessed April 30, 2018.
Murg, Wilhelm. “Pro Football Shocker: Indian Team Beat World Champion New York Giants in 1927.” Indian Country Media. Date accessed April 30, 2018.