2018-2019 Annual Report – Dean of Students


The mission of the Office of the Dean of Students (DOS) is to educate students regarding the university’s expectations of behavior, to protect student’s rights, and to assure fairness and due process for all university students.

Summary Narrative

1) Enhance recruitment and retention efforts to increase enrollment

  • Participated in all new student and transfer orientation. Presented on the role of the dean of students, Title IX, campus safety, and upcoming student training requirements.
  • DOS supports student learning and personal development through the enforcement of the student code of conduct, and promotion of ethical, civil, and responsible conduct.

2) Strengthen student-friendly operations and customer service

  • Disseminated Student Conduct Adjudication Processes Questionnaire (SCAPQ), powered by edu Outcomes. UA Little Rock participates in the National Assessment of Student Conduct Adjudication Processes (NASCAP).  UA Little Rock results were compared with 16 other postsecondary institutions. 22 students completed the survey. Overall, the 2018-19 SCAPQ results suggest that in almost all areas, those students who have experience with the system evaluated UA Little Rock’s student conduct process as higher than other institutions represented in the project. Further, SCAPQ findings indicate that UA Little Rock’s student conduct system is functioning at a high level.

3) Improve diversity and inclusion efforts to provide a safe and inclusive environment for students

  • Provided advisement and support to students and student organizations including the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) College Chapter.

4) Align financial and human resources to operate more effectively and efficiently

  • Assumed supervisory responsibility for the following functional areas: Donaghey Student Center, Campus Living, and Auxiliary Services (Dining and Bookstore).

5) Promote student development, engagement, and leadership

  • Served as faculty/staff advisor for Student Government Association and presented on topics such as leadership, leadership development and professional networking.
  • Partnered with Department of Public Safety and Counseling Services during the National Campus Safety Awareness Month. Topics included active shooter preparedness, suicide prevention, and additional campus safety initiatives.

6) Other

  • Attended Association of Student Conduct Administrators (ASCA) 2019 Annual Conference, which provided a variety of professional development options through concurrent sessions, plenary speakers, an inspiring keynote and networking with colleagues, in addition to information and guidance.

At A Glance

  • During the 2018-19 academic year, DOS adjudicated 117 disciplinary cases. Of the 117 cases, there were 156 violations of the student code (please note each discipline case may have multiple violations). Of the 156 violations, 234 disciplinary sanctions were imposed (please note each discipline case may have multiple violations which yield multiple sanctions).
  • Assisted 45 students through efforts from the behavioral intervention team.

Assessment 1

Type of assessment (learning outcome or operational)

Student learning outcome

Activity or experience being assessed

Student Conduct Process

Assessment artifacts

Participated in the Student Conduct Adjudication Processes Questionnaire (SCAPQ). Disseminated assessment survey to students who have been adjudicated through the university’s student conduct process.

Time period assessment was done

August 2018 to June 2019


SCAPQ assessed the following student learning outcomes such as increased understanding and personal responsibility (e.g. future behavior, consequences, and skills). In all questions, the mean scores for all items were higher for UA Little Rock compared to the scores of the 14 reference group (e.g.14 comparative institutions).  Compared to 14 other institutions, the findings suggest students who experience the student conduct process evaluates it as functioning at a high level. The full report can be made available upon request.

When compared to the reference group, 3 items in personal responsibility section were statistically significant. These items include (1) understand accepting responsibility, (2) less likely to engage in the same behavior, and (3) more likely to reflect on my own personal integrity.

Continuous improvement process

Program just received the results July 2019.

The program will modify hearing procedures and interviewing skills in an effort to increase mean scores in the other items such as (1) how their conduct affects others, (2) understand administrator concerns, and (3) understand expectations for behavior. The hearing officer will focus more on communicating institutional behavioral expectations and how their conduct affects not only them but the entire university community.

Program will continue to conduct a high functioning student conduct  process that assist in the development and personal growth of university students.

WHEN: Fall 2019

Stakeholder involvement / Communication plan

Will apprise Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs of progress.

Assessment 2

Type of assessment (learning outcome or operational)


Activity or experience being assessed

Student Conduct Process-System Efficacy

Assessment artifacts

Participated in the Student Conduct Adjudication Processes Questionnaire (SCAPQ). Disseminated assessment survey to students who have been adjudicated through the university’s student conduct process.

Time period assessment was done

August 2018 to June 2019


SCAPQ assessed the system efficacy such as pre-hearing, hearing, and post-hearing. In all questions, the mean scores were all above the midpoint of the scale and mean scores were higher on each item when compared to the reference group (e.g. 14 comparative institutions).  Compared to 14 other institutions, the findings suggest students who experience the student conduct process evaluate it as functioning at a high level. The full report can be made available upon request.

Continuous improvement process

Program just received the results July 2019.

Program will continue to conduct a high functioning student conduct  process and conduct the process in an efficient and effective manner. When compared to the reference group, 6 of 7 items in System Efficacy were statistically significant. These items include (1) clear communication, (2) sufficient information, (3) heard student side, (4) timeliness, (5) treated respectfully, and (6) consistent outcome.

The program will continue to employ hearing strategies such as disclosing sanction review factors and communicating the importance of consistency in sanctioning, during the student conduct process to increase the perception that student(s) are being treated fairly.

WHEN: Fall 2019

Stakeholder involvement / Communication plan

Will apprise Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs of progress.

Assessment 3

There was a planned survey of all student affairs staff to identify areas of needed and/or desired professional development opportunities.

This assessment was not done.

Assessment 4

There was a focus group with SGA representatives to gain a better understanding of student financial needs and to identify themes to assist in developing award criteria for the student emergency fund.

This assessment was not done.

Priorities for Next Year

  • Establish student emergency fund to help retain students in financial need.
  • Review and revise the Code of Student Conduct to ensure it is appropriate for today’s student(s), align with best practices and meet institutional needs.
  • Establish a fraternity and sorority review board with representatives from all three councils.