Logo for the University of Arkansas at Little Rock Center for Arkansas History and Culture


About the Exhibit

Life Interrupted: The Japanese American Experience in World War II Arkansas debuted in 2004 as part of a joint effort by the University of Arkansas at Little Rock and the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles. This exhibit commemorates the 10th anniversary of Life Interrupted.

About CAHC

The UA Little Rock Center for Arkansas History and Culture offers a collection of resources, including papers, books, photographs, maps, and audio/visual materials, related to history, government, and life in Arkansas. Holdings related to the government include five former governors and several legislators.


The UA Little Rock Center for Arkansas History and Culture collects, keeps safe, and makes available Arkansas history that connects people to each other and their shared experiences.

Learn More

The collections are available at the Bobby L. Roberts Library of Arkansas History and Art building and online at ARStudies.

401 President Clinton Avenue
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201

For more information visit: Research Hours