
The UA Little Rock/Pulaski County Law Library is a research library. Books in the collection must be available for immediate use; therefore most materials do not circulate. However, the Law Library has a limited circulation policy.

Circulating Materials

Most treatises, government documents, and audio and video cassettes may be checked out for two weeks and renewed for an additional two weeks. Materials can be renewed in person or by phone. All checked out materials are subject to recall if needed by another patron.

Overnight Materials

Reserve hornbooks and nutshells can be checked out overnight by UA Little Rock law students and local attorneys.

Non-circulating Materials

Remaining reserve materials, CD-Rom discs, Special Collection materials, frequently updated loose-leaf services, periodicals, reporters, statutes, digests, citators, encyclopedias, encyclopedic treatises, ALRs, form books, and reference materials may not be checked out. In certain circumstances, librarians may grant special permission for restricted materials to circulate.

Circulation Privileges

UA Little Rock law students can check out circulating materials and overnight materials.

Arkansas attorneys and judges within the six-county area (Pulaski, Faulkner, Jefferson, Lonoke, Perry, and Saline counties) may check out circulating and overnight materials. Arkansas attorneys and judges outside the six-county area who obtain a library card can check out circulating materials, but not overnight materials.
Students, faculty, and staff at any of the University of Arkansas System schools who obtain associate patron status may check out circulating materials and overnight materials. To obtain associate patron status, patrons must present a letter from their home libraries authorizing these privileges. Students must renew associate patron status each semester, and faculty and staff must renew associate patron status each year.

Students faculty, and staff from institutions participating in the ARKLink reciprocal borrowing program may check out circulating books upon presentation of a valid ARKLink card. ARKLink cards must be obtained from the home library; student cards are valid for one semester, and faculty/staff cards are valid through the end of the current academic year.

Law students who have reserved closed carrels can check out circulating materials, periodicals, case reporters, and ALRs to the carrel through the end of the current semester.

Adjunct law faculty can check out circulating materials until the end of the semester.

Law faculty and staff can check out any materials except for reference materials until the end of the academic year. In return for this checkout privilege, library staff may inventory books in faculty and staff offices as necessary, and retrieve books if they are needed by a patron. At the end of each academic year, the Circulation Librarian will send a statement of checked-out items to each faculty and staff member, with a request that items which are no longer needed be returned to the library. All others will be automatically renewed for another academic year.

Other patrons may check out reserve materials, audio and video tapes, and CD-Rom discs for library use only.