Jeff B. Woodmansee

Assistant Professor of Law Librarianship
Research Support and Reference Librarian
BSE, 2003, Missouri Southern State University; JD, 2008, UA Little Rock Bowen School of Law; MLS, 2011, University of North Texas

Jeff Woodmansee, Photo credit: Jacob SlatonProfessor Woodmansee joined the Bowen Law Library full-time staff in December 2005, going on to earn promotion to library faculty member in July 2011. He is an active member of the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL), including the Academic Law Libraries Special Interest Section (ALL-SIS), the Mid-America Association of Libraries (MAALL) and the Mid-America Law Library Consortium (MALLCO), the Southwestern Association of Law Libraries (SWALL), and the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy. An emerging leader in the field of law librarianship, he has been an AALL grant and scholarship award winner, and he currently serves as Chair of the MALLCO Interlibrary Loan Special Interest Group and member of the SWALL Public Relations Committee. He has also been a National Business Institute lecturer, preparing materials and teaching online primary law research skills in the Continuing Legal Education seminar Attorney’s Guide to Legal Research Strategies On- and Offline in October 2010. In Spring 2012, his article titled Promoting Access While Restricting Access at Public Law Libraries was featured in the SWALL Bulletin.

As Research Support and Reference Librarian, Professor Woodmansee takes part in Bowen Faculty Development meetings and presentations, maintains the Faculty Publications Display Case, participates in law school and university committees, and works in concert with the library’s faculty liaison librarians, including providing training and support for library research assistants. He is primarily responsible for all interlibrary loan and document delivery services, provides patrons with legal reference assistance as part of the library’s reference desk rotation, and handles prisoner mail requests. His other various library duties include participation in strategic planning, drafting and editing formal policies and guides, compiling statistics, leading instructional sessions and library tours, and engaging in patron outreach efforts.

Professor Woodmansee teaches Legal Research I and Legal Research II. He takes pride in engaging first-year students through conversational communication, practical approaches to research, embracing technology, and by drawing on his background in pedagogical methods and educational psychology. His other interests include baseball, freelance writing, political advocacy, state government, and U.S. history and foreign policy.

Phone: 501-916-5470

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