Current Awareness

The library subscribes to several current awareness services so that you can keep up with the latest journal articles, court decisions and developments in your areas of interest. Your liaison can help set up any of these resources. Available current awareness tools are set out below.

CILP and SmartCILP

The library subscribes to the Current Index to Legal Periodicals (CILP), a weekly table of contents service. CILP indexes over 500 legal publications within 100 subject headings. All citations are in bluebook form. Each issue contains complete tables of contents of all journals indexed. CILP is available 4-6 weeks before commercial legal periodical indexes. CILP is shelved in the faculty library.

SmartCILP, the electronic version of CILP, provides automated, personalized e-mail delivery of CILP. Personalize it by creating a profile tailored to your research interests. You can choose subjects or journals in your specific areas of interest. Select individual journals to receive new tables of contents each week. You will be notified via a weekly e-mail of new scholarship in your chosen areas. The e-mail contains built-in Westlaw and Lexis links to cited articles.

Create a profile at the SmartCILP website. Contact Melissa Serfass to obtain the authorization code.


The Library subscribes to the Legal Scholarship Network (LSN), a division of the Social Sciences Research Network. LSN publishes a wide range of law-related working papers and article drafts accepted for publication. Faculty members may subscribe to any of the LSN journals.

Journal Routing

At your request the library will route periodicals and looseleaf report bulletins to you. Contact Harry Lah, Acquisitions and Serials Librarian, to arrange to have materials routed. Please return routed materials to him as well.