Jessie Wallace Burchfield

Professor of Law Librarianship; Circulation and Reference Librarian
BA, 1989, UA Little Rock; MLS, 1996, Texas Woman’s University; JD, 2005, UA Little Rock William H. Bowen School of Law

Jessie BurchfieldProfessor Burchfield joined the faculty in 1997. As the Circulation and Reference Librarian, she supervises all operations of the circulation department. She also provides reference assistance to patrons, serves as the library liaison to the law school clinical faculty, and teaches legal research. Professor Burchfield is active in the Arkansas Library Association, the Arkansas Bar Association, the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL), and regional law library associations. Her leadership roles in these organizations have included service as chair of the Research Instruction and Patron Services Special Interest Section (RIPS-SIS) of AALL and as chair of the Special Libraries Division of the Arkansas Library Association. She serves as articles editor of the Journal of Appellate Practice and Process. She co-authored the Loislaw User’s Guide (2002), is a co-author of AALL Annual Meetings: an Annotated Index of the Recordings, is editor of Legal Guide for Arkansas Nonprofit and Volunteer Organizations, Second Edition and has written several articles on various law and library related topics. Her article Federal and State Court Rules Governing Publication and Citation of Opinions, 3 Journal of Appellate Practice and Process 251 (2001), co-authored with Professor Melissa Serfass, won the 2002 Outstanding Article Award from the Academic Law Libraries Special Interest Section of AALL.

Phone: 501-916-5407