Professor of Law Librarianship
Electronic Resources / Reference Librarian
BA, Harding University; JD, UA Little Rock School of Law; MALIS, University of South Florida
Professor Serfass joined the faculty in 1992. As electronic Resources and Reference Librarian, she plays a primary role in selection and management of the law library’s ever-increasing collection of electronic databases and online resources. She shares responsibility for the library website. She provides reference assistance to the many users of the combined academic and county law library. Professor Serfass serves as reference liaison to half of the law faculty and as research editor of the Journal of Appellate Practice and Process.
Professor Serfass is active in the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) and in state and regional library associations. She has served as newsletter editor, secretary/treasurer and chair of the Research Instruction & Patron Services Special Interest Section (SIS) of AALL. She recently completed a two year term as secretary/treasurer of the Computing Services SIS. She served as chair of the Arkansas Library Association’s Special Libraries Division. She has served on and chaired committees at the regional and national level, currently serving on the AALL Public Relations Committee.
Professor Serfass has been a speaker at the annual meetings of AALL, Mid-America Association of Law Libraries, and Southwestern Association of Law Libraries. She has also given CLE presentations for the National Business Institute.
Professor Serfass received the 2002 Academic Law Libraries Special Interest Section, American Association of Law Libraries Outstanding Article of the Year Award, along with co-author Professor Jessie Burchfield for Federal and State Court Rules Governing Publication and Citation of Opinions, 3 Journal of Appellate Practice and Process 251 (2001). She was the 2009 recipient of the Research Instruction & Patron Services Special Interest Section RIPS Star Award.
Phone: 501-916-5459