Faculty Liaison Program

The William H. Bowen School of Law Library has a Faculty Liaison Program to help you easily access the library’s services. This program assigns one librarian as a liaison to each full-time faculty member. The liaison is that professor’s main point of contact with the library. If you have any questions regarding a library service contact your liaison first.

Faculty Liaison Assignments
Harry Lah Sherrie Norwood Melissa Serfass Jeff Woodmansee
Terri R. Day Laura E. Bates Christine Buamah John Cook
Anastacia Greene Theresa Beiner Terrence Cain J. Douglas Cortes
Kristen S. Minton Caroline Boch Dean Colin Crawford Michael Geiselhart
Alicia D. Mitchell Anastasia Boles Rebecca Feldman Richard Kilpatrick
Kelly Browe Olson Michael Flannery Associate Dean Lindsey Gustafson Robert Steinbuch
Suzanne Penn Carolyn Ryburn Beth Levi Jordan Wallace-Wolf
Associate Dean Kelly Terry