Bachelor of Social Work

The Bachelor of Social Work Program at UA Little Rock is unique: we are the only undergraduate social work program in Arkansas that is located in a metropolitan university, as well as in the state’s capital. We are committed to educating our students in the knowledge, values, and skills necessary for generalist practice within our diverse population. We are committed to the values of diversity, human rights, and social justice and we deliver social work education that challenges students to think differently about social problems faced by the most vulnerable populations.

The BSW is a 120-hour program and is offered both in person and fully online. The program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education. Explore the curriculum.

Field Education

Students in their senior year will complete 16 hours per week in the field while learning to become a generalist social work practitioner. Field education allows the student to integrate classroom theory to the application of knowledge, skills, and values utilized in practice.

Please see the field manual for additional information along with the BSW student handbook.

Tuition and Fees (Undergraduate)

The faculty and staff at UA Little Rock are committed to providing a quality education for our students at a good value. To get the most up-to-date tuition and fees information, please visit the Undergraduate Tuition & Fees page.

BSW 2+2 Program

UA Little Rock has a 2+2 agreement that allows students with a two-year degree from several community colleges to obtain their BSW in two years at UA Little Rock. For more information, contact Student Transfer Services.

How to Apply

Students should apply to the BSW program in their sophomore (2nd) year of coursework. The BSW program is completed in the junior and senior years. Due to the structured nature of our program, students must start their social work classes (beyond Introduction to Social Work) in the fall semester of each year. Applications are due March 1 and applicants will be notified by mid-May.

Undergraduate students can schedule an appointment with a School of Social Work advisor by contacting Kelly Moore at