Manuals and Forms

This page features resources for faculty, students, field liaisons, and field mentors.

Student Resources

The Social Work Student Handbooks are revised every year and provide information about UA Little Rock and the degree programs policies and procedures in the School of Social Work.

Student Handbooks & Policy Info
Bachelor of Social Work Handbook (PDF)
MSW Handbook with live updates 
Performance Review Policy

Student Field Manuals
The BSW Program Field Manual outlines the policies, procedures, and activities required for the BSW internship.
The MSW Field Manual (updated 2022) outlines the required curriculum and activities for the all MSW programs: Advanced Standing, Foundation Year, and Concentration Year.

Important Links

Field Liaison Resources

MSW Faculty Field Liaison Forms
MSW Faculty Liaison Checklist (PDF)
MSW Liaison Mid-semester Report (PDF)
MSW Liaison Summer Mid-semester Report (PDF)
MSW Liaison Final Grade Sheet (PDF)
MSW Liaison Evaluation of Internship (PDF)
MSW Professional Development Review Plan (PDF)

MSW Portfolio Checklists
MSW Foundation I Internship Checklist (PDF)
MSW Foundation II Internship Checklist (PDF)
MSW ADP I Internship Checklist (PDF)
MSW ADP II Internship Checklist (PDF)
MSW MCP Internship Checklist (PDF)

Field Mentor Resources

MSW Field Mentor Checklists
MSW Field Instructor Checklist (Word)
MSW Summer Field Instructor Checklist (Word)

Additional Resources
Role of Field Instructor (Word)
Gatekeeper Role (Word)
Summary of Differences between Beginning and More Advanced Interviewers (Word)
The Social Work Skills (Word)