Nicholas Kahn-Fogel

William H. Bowen School of Law

Distinguished Professor in Constitutional Law

Nicholas Kahn-Fogel headshotMr. Nicholas Kahn-Fogel is the distinguished professor in constitutional law at the William H. Bowen School of Law. Students comment on his rigorous but nurturing and intellectually challenging classes.

Kahn-Fogel uses a modified version of the Socratic Method in most of his in-class instruction, in which he randomly calls on students. Though this can be intimidating this increases the likelihood that all students will have the opportunity to engage in class discussion. Recommendations from students have positively commented on this, but even when they didn’t necessarily, Kahn-Fogel never made them feel inadequate. This encouraged students to look forward to his classes even when the material was intimidating. Kahn-Fogel’s colleagues have also praised his dedication to teaching.

Several of Kahn-Fogel’s colleagues have commented on his preparation for class. Colleagues have called Kahn-Fogel meticulous when it comes to knowing his class materials and being prepared for class. Some have even gone so far as to comment on him rarely canceling class in order to not disrupt student’s class time. Students have recognized his dedication and have selected him for several graduation honors.

Kahn-Fogel received a J.D. from Stanford Law School and a B.A. in history from Cornell University.

Posted in: 2023, Teaching

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