Law School honors student accomplishments at inaugural Bowen Awards

The Bowen Awards, Mar. 3, 11:30 a.m. Clinton Presidential CenterOn March 3, 2018, the UA Little Rock William H. Bowen School of Law hosted the inaugural Bowen Awards. This ceremony was held at The Clinton Presidential Center, and honored students who were awarded a Dean’s Certificate of Public Service or achieved Top Papers in their classes for the Spring, Summer, and Fall semesters of 2017.

“In the past, these awards were given in a more casual reception at the law school,” said Rejena S. Grotjohn, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs at the law school. “However, we felt a change was in order. Students who have achieved top grades in classes have spent a great deal of time and effort to make that happen. Their families have as well.  Those accomplishments and sacrifices should be celebrated.”

This year, the law school also offered five new awards: Student Success Teams of the Year (Full-Time and Part-Time), Dean’s Fellow of the Year, Student Organization of the Year, and Professional Mentor of the Year.

Dean’s Certificate of Service

In support of Bowen’s core value of Public Service, the Dean’s Certificate of Public Service works to encourage students to make community service part of their professional lives. Projects benefit the Little Rock community, and are completed outside of the students’ normal educational, career, and family responsibilities

A student who completes 100 hours of public service during a 12-month period in which the student is in good standing at the UA Little Rock Bowen School of Law will be awarded a Dean’s Certificate of Service.  A student who completes 300 hours of public service during this period and is in good standing will be awarded a Dean’s Certificate of Distinguished Service.

The 2017 Dean’s Certificate of Service recipients were:

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Top Paper Awards

At Bowen, “Top Paper” can also mean “top grade” in demanding classes. On top of class work and lectures, students spend hours studying, outlining, and writing.  A great number of them sacrifice time with family and friends. Many of them do it after they have worked a full-time job. This accomplishment recognizes a semester of hard work and a grasp of legal principles gleaned from other classes.

Top Paper recipients were:

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Student Success Teams of the Year

Student Success Teams are small groups of entering students who work together to become independent, autonomous learners; active, engaged members of the law school community; and healthy, mindful students well equipped to cope with a rigorous legal education.  Our Full-Time and Part-Time Success Teams of the Year exceled in these areas and embody primary mission of the Bowen Office of Student Affairs, to help our students become successful, engaged and mindful lawyers.

Our Full-Time Student Success Team of the Year (Group 16), consisted of Jerome Wilson, Shaquika Hughes, Samuel Angel and Chandra Smith. These four students consistently encouraged and supported each other during their first semester at Bowen. They drafted the oath of professionalism that was chosen by United States District Judge D.P. Marshall as the oath that was taken by the entire first year class during their official pinning ceremony. They attended academic workshops together, worked out together and more importantly, learned how to be successful law students together.

Kimberly Mallett, the Dean’s Fellow who mentored this group, stated “I am truly proud of each member of Group and I am confident that they will become amazing Lawyers.”

Our Part-Time Student Success Team of the Year (Group 22) is comprised of Lindsey Carter, Logan Penter, Shelby Shelton, Kalen Coleman, Emily Towe and Lara Sargent. These six students juggled the daily demands of family, children, full-time jobs and in some instances long-distance commutes, with navigating the stressful demands of their first semester in law school. From collecting supplies for Hurricane Irma victims, to planning a baby shower for one of their fellow part-time students, this group embraced their Bowen community and worked together to ensure a successful first semester and set a great example for future part-time students on how to truly thrive at Bowen.

Their Dean’s Fellow, Joanie Harp had this to say about her group. “These students embody smarts, grit, and passion for making a difference in the community and the lives of those they touch.  It is an honor and pleasure to know these individuals.”

Dean’s Fellow of the Year

Dean’s Fellows are upper level students chosen to mentor 1L students during the fall semester. We select Dean’s Fellows based on their demonstrated leadership skills, excellence in academic performance, professionalism, and a desire to lead and care for their fellow students.

The Dean’s Fellow of the Year is Kimberly Mallett. Her student Success Teams finished first and second in the Full-Time Student Success Team of the Year competition, and one of her teams won the oath-writing competition, is a testament to her leadership. Kimberly helped her success team study for midterms, quizzes, and finals, gave them writing tips and written feedback on practice questions and more. She made final exam gift bags with handwritten notes offering words of encouragement during final exams to support them during one of the most stressful times of the year. Kimberly balanced being a Dean’s Fellow with being the president of BLSA (our student organization of the year) and keeping up with her 3L course work. Her example of organization, involvement, leadership, and generosity provided a great role model for all Bowen Students.

Student Organization of the Year – BLSA

Bowen has more than 25 student organizations, reflecting the diversity of interest, experience, and background within the law school community. The Student Organization of the Year award is given to the organization that best exemplifies Bowen’s core values (Professionalism, Public Service, & Access to Justice).

The 2017 honoree is Bowen’s chapter of the Black Law Students Association (BLSA) chapter. Their chapter’s mission is to introduce black law students to the professional problems and responsibilities they will encounter upon admission to the practice of law, to address and represent the ideas and concerns of its members, and to promote cultural diversity and inclusion at the UA Little Rock William H. Bowen School of Law.

In 2017, they hosted one of the most successful Scholarship Banquets to date raising over $11,000. They coordinated multiple large-scale speaker events featuring political and community figures and professional networking opportunities with the local legal community. BLSA is constantly striving to forge partnerships with other organizations and show support for their classmates. BLSA hosted their own 1L Workshop to help new students transition to law school, sponsored an on-campus Health Fair, hosted Black History Month programs, and much more in the 2017 school year.

Kimberly Mallett, President for the 2017-2018 school year, and Jennifer Montgomery, President for 2016-2017, accepted the award on behalf of the chapter.

Professional Mentor of the Year – Judge Morgan Chip Welch

Since 2013, the law school’s Professional Mentoring Program has matched first-year students with Bowen alumni who practice in areas that interest the student. Mentors work with students to develop career plans, revise their resumes, and design 11 hours of job shadowing experiences.

The 2017 Professional Mentor of the Year is the Honorable Morgan “Chip” Welch.

Judge Welch has been part of the Professional Mentor Program for several years, and is always enthusiastic about participating in events at Bowen (e.g., First Week, which welcomes new students each fall semester).

Welch is passionate about connecting students with the “right” mentor based on their specific interests and works with Diana Snyder, the Assistant Dean of Career Services at the law school to make sure that happens. He also takes on multiple mentees each year, and all of his mentees have exceptional experiences. He even gets their requirements done early so that he can have time/room to take on more mentees.

“Judge Welch is an excellent example of how judges and lawyers in the community can work with students to strengthen career satisfaction and the legal profession,” said Bowen Dean John DiPippa. “His enthusiasm for students and for his legal career are two reasons he’s successful as a mentor, and why the program is successful as a whole.”

We at Bowen wish to take a moment to honor each honoree listed here, as well as their families, friends, and colleagues all of whom play a role in their successes. Congratulations to each of you, and thank you for the roles you play in Bowen’s history and its future.


Posted in: News, Students in the News

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