Get Involved

The more our alumni get involved with life at Bowen and in the future of legal practice, the more Bowen and its students benefit. Given our location close to downtown Little Rock, it’s easy for alumni to volunteer whatever time and/or skills they have available. We’ve listed a few of the most common ways below. Some take as little as an hour and some require a year-long commitment. Some projects are presentations to larger groups, and others require one-on-one contact. There’s something for everyone, and we hope you take advantage of the chance to help a student and your alma mater.


Come talk about your career in law

The Bowen Career Services Office organizes and hosts a number of career-related panels during the school year. These panels are designed to expose students to various career options in public service, private practice, corporate, public interest and from small towns to big cities. To volunteer as a panelist for a career services program, contact the Bowen Career Services Office either by calling 501-916-5419 or emailing our office.

Get involved with a class

The Class Agent program is being developed to promote on-going class involvement among alumni and creates opportunities for peer to peer support of Bowen.  If you are interested in getting more involved in the Class Agent program, contact Assistant Dean of External Relations, Wanda Hoover.

Take a student to dinner (or lunch)

Students at the UA Little Rock William H. Bowen School of Law need strong examples of professionalism. Through the Alumni Dine Around Program, Bowen alumni often serve as a great example of this core value in practice. Bowen alumni are paired with current students interested in specific areas of the law. The program offers alumni the chance to talk about their particular area of practice and meet students interested in that part of the law. Bowen graduates can host a lunch or dinner for four to five students, and details for the meal are coordinated by Bowen staff. If you are interested in hosting a Dine Around, contact Assistant Dean of External Relations, Wanda Hoover.

Mentor a student

Mentoring is an easy way to be involved and give back to Bowen. The Professional Mentor Program matches current students with experienced graduates who will serve as role models and be available to advise students on a range of topics. The time commitment is eleven hours over the course of the academic year.

Practicing judges and lawyers are encouraged to positively impact the professional development of aspiring attorneys by:

  • fostering the highest levels of professionalism for students and mentors;
  • helping students develop relationship skills necessary for success in any employment context;
  • making sure every student has a better sense of the strengths he or she brings to the profession, a plan for achieving his or her professional goals, and an effective resume and cover letter; and
  • equipping students to deepen and broaden their own professional competencies by emphasizing the importance of self-directed learning as students and as lawyers.

Professionals licensed in Arkansas who participate in the Professional Mentor Program may earn one ethics continuing legal education credit for attending an optional training held each fall.

The program runs August through April each year.

To volunteer as a Professional Mentor, or if you have any questions, please contact the Bowen Career Services Office either by calling 501-916-5419 or emailing our office.

Help a student prepare for interviews

Bowen students are in need of alumni who can help them prepare for their first legal interviewing experience. Typically held the first of each Spring semester, the Mock Interviewing Program simulates the on-campus interview experience.  The mock interviews last from 20-45 minutes including time for feedback to students, and can be held in-person or over the telephone.  To volunteer as a Mock Interviewer, contact the Bowen Career Services Office.

Be a Moot Court practice round judge

As part of the Moot Court Board, alumni-judges will study the appellate record for the competition and develop challenging questions for both sides on the issues raised in the appeal; after the arguments have concluded, they will offer their critiques and suggestions for improving the team’s performance. Volunteers should allow 2-3 hours for reading the record and developing questions; each practice lasts 1-2 hours. To volunteer as a practice round judge, contact Professor George Mader.

Read more about Moot Court Board…

Coach a Mock Trial Team

Help prepare the next great litigator by being a part of the Bowen Mock Trial Team. Alumni, through their litigation experience can provide guidance, support, and critique, of our National Competition teams. Alumni volunteers would review the competition case file and assist team members with suggestions on how best to present their case at trial. As a coach, alumni can assist with preparing a team for a competition in either the fall or spring semester. This would involve volunteering a few hours each week to review the team’s progress and offer your critiques and guidance on how to better present the mock trial case.

Volunteers are also needed for a full-trial run through of each team’s competition trial. This would require a few hours on a weekend to act as a juror/judge for the teams’ trial presentation and offer your feedback on what is working and what is not working, based on your experience in the profession. To volunteer, please contact Professor Robert Minarcin.