Career Services

The Career Services Office provides programming and guidance to support career planning, professional development, and the job search. To enhance communication with students, alumni and employers, Career Services utilizes the online management system, HIRE Bowen. Current students and employers are invited to register with HIRE Bowen.

Career Services is the primary liaison between law students, recent graduates and prospective employers. Services are available to help individuals:

  • Identify and explore career options consistent with interests
  • Identify and research prospective employers and opportunities that lead to your ultimate career goal
  • Develop resumes, cover letters, and interviewing techniques to effectively communicate strengths to potential employers

Contact Career Services

Please stop by Room 116, call the office at 501-916-5419, or email to schedule an appointment.

Assistant Dean for Career Services: Diana Borgognoni Snyder

Career Services Program Coordinator: Kendel Haycook

1201 McMath Avenue, Room 116
Little Rock, AR 72202-5142
501-916-5419 (Phone)
501-916-3968 (Fax)

Office hours are 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Services are available outside of office hours by appointment.


We provide individual career counseling and job search strategies development, along with job postings, educational workshops, networking events, and on-campus interviews in both the fall and spring terms. Career Services also supports and encourages student applications for judicial clerkships on all levels while actively coordinating student participation in national and regional job fairs.

All students in every stage of their academic careers have access to Career Services offerings, and services are available even after graduation. As a member of the National Association for Law Placement (NALP), Bowen provides a number of educational programs and workshops. All students should proactively seek information for the purpose of planning their futures. However, NALP guidelines prohibit full-time, first-semester students from using the office’s job search services until October 15.

We will hold sessions on writing a cover letter and legal resume, tips for effective interviewing, and strategies for a productive job search.

HIRE Bowen – Online Management System

In early fall, first-year students receive a welcome letter and password and an invitation to complete their profiles on HIRE Bowen. This password gives students access to job postings, the On-Campus Interviewing Program, and mock interviews. Continuing students, including transfers and visitors, may complete HIRE Bowen registration at any time.

For everyone, a resume must be uploaded to HIRE Bowen before the system is functional for OCIs or job postings. Most employers will request an unofficial grade sheet and a writing sample.

The first opportunity for On-Campus Interviewing (OCI) for first-year students is in February. These interviews are primarily for Arkansas law clerk positions for the summer after your first year, and in the fall and spring of your second year. Part-time students should actively participate in spring interviews when possible.

While the number of out-of-state employers participating on campus is limited, Career Services will work with you as you seek to enter the legal job market. We will work with each Bowen student to develop and implement a job search as geographically expansive as you need. The time frame to apply for out-of-state Summer Associate positions with larger firms is:

  • First year: Submit resume/transcript Dec. 1 – Feb. 15 (earlier is best).
  • Second year: Submit resume/transcript Aug. 15 – Sept. 15.

Other Services

Second- and third-year students may use the resources of the Career Services program at any time. Our alumni may use Career Services resources at any time but should understand that our services are geared more towards law students and new graduates.

Career Services can request reciprocity services for Bowen students from other law schools in selected areas where you are seeking employment. Approved reciprocity allows you to use the resources of a career services office in your target area(s). Reciprocity is generally limited to one school per state and is not available at most schools during the fall on-campus interviewing season.

With prior reciprocity approval, students and graduates of other law schools may have limited access to Bowen Career Services resources. A letter of reciprocity is required from the referring law school before services are provided.