Child Maltreatment Reporter Training

Act 703 of 2007 (Arkansas Code Annotated § 6-61-133) states that for each degree program at an institution of higher learning in this state that is a prerequisite for licensure or certification in a profession in which the professional is a child maltreatment mandated reporter under the Child Maltreatment Act, the Arkansas Department of Higher Education shall coordinate with all institutions to ensure that before receiving a degree, each graduate receives training in 1) recognizing the signs and symptoms of child abuse and neglect; 2) the legal requirements of the Child Maltreatment Act and the duties of mandated reporters under the act; and 3) methods for managing disclosures regarding child victims.

In order to complete the training:

  1. Watch this video.
  2. Complete this verification form.
  3. Submit the completed form to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in Room 206.