Law student Kimberly Gould at graduation

Benjamins for Bowen

Giving Back to Pave the Way

Join fellow alumni who graduated from Bowen in the past 10 years in making a philanthropic impact on your alma mater. Annual funds help pay for financial aid awards, student support, educational resources, and so much more. Every gift adds up to create a Bowen experience unlike any other. And it’s all made possible by you.

Having the Benjamins for Bowen campaign means that the most recent alumni can support the school’s mission and culture of philanthropy with a pledge of just $100 per year. All gifts collectively make an impact on the student experience. The UA Little Rock William H. Bowen School of Law offers a challenging educational experience in a close and supportive environment. Outside support is critical to the school’s continuing success. Your support helps us excel in an increasingly competitive marketplace as we recruit some of the brightest students in the country.

Make your Benjamins for Bowen gift here.

Your gift is important because…

“Each new law student faces challenges: cold calls, case briefs, oral arguments. Those challenges are all the more behemoth against the backdrop of a global pandemic. Of all the worries I had as a 1L, I feel fortunate that financial aid wasn’t one of them. Bowen’s benevolent scholarship offering allowed me to pursue a legal education during a uniquely burdensome time, while keeping my community safe and healthy.” – Virginia Greer, entering 2L

“The scholarships I have been fortunate enough to receive have made my job application process a lot easier. Instead of focusing solely on income, I have the opportunity to find a job based off of my passions. Because of these scholarships, I get to be passion-focused. I cannot express my gratitude for your scholarship contributions enough; they truly do make an impact. And not just in a singular moment, but an impact that affects my future career.” – Monica Spier, entering 3L

Why Give?

We need the support of graduates like you in order to thrive and continue offering an affordable legal education. Your support directly impacts current and future students and helps law school programs embody our core tenants of public service, access to justice, and professionalism. Plus, our U.S. News & World Report rankings increase with alumni philanthropic participation.


What is the Benjamins for Bowen campaign?

The Benjamins for Bowen campaign is an annual giving opportunity for alumni who have graduated in the last 10 years. We know many of you are paying off student loans, and we want to be able to include you in our culture of philanthropy. By joining Benjamins for Bowen, you pledge to contribute one “Benjamin Franklin” ($100) per year. You will be included in the Honor Roll of Giving, recognized as a member of this giving society on our website as well as on the wall near the Friday Courtroom.

Find out more about funding priorities and other ways to give.

Why is it important to support the Bowen Law School each year?

Consistent giving provides the foundation for deans and directors to make bold plans and undertake new challenges. Bowen created a giving society called the Honor Roll of Giving for supporters who give at least $100 a year. Membership in this giving society is renewable annually.

How can I set up my gift to take place automatically?

With our secure online giving portal, you can set up your gift to be automatically charged to your credit card on a monthly schedule. Simply select the recurring gift option. Setting up a recurring gift ensures your support and reduces the annual solicitations you receive.