Early Intervention Mediation

The Arkansas Early Intervention Mediation Project (AEIMP) is one of several projects in the UA Little Rock William H. Bowen School of Law’s Legal Clinic. This program helps parents and educators reach agreements about young children’s needs.

The AEIMP is designed for children up to age 3. A mediator works to help parents, providers, and service coordinators talk about the child’s needs in a meeting place that is comfortable and near for both parties. The services provided are free, and parents, providers, or service coordinators can call 501-916-5492 to discuss a meeting or find out more information.

Learn more

These free services help foster and maintain productive partnerships between parents, providers, and service coordinators. The program is a powerful tool and provides a unique opportunity for all those involved in providing early intervention services for children.

Click here for the brochure for the Arkansas Early Intervention Mediation Project.

Your child and the AEIMP

Everyone concerned with early intervention services is focused on the needs of the child. However, feelings, emotions, and beliefs can cloud the ability of people to be able to hear the needs and concerns of one another. The skills of a trained and impartial mediator can create an atmosphere for a clear exchange of information. The mediator’s role is to help facilitate the discussion by clarifying ideas and asking thought-provoking questions.

In short, mediators can help you create and maintain a meaningful and productive working dialogue between parents, providers, and service coordinators.

Early Intervention Mediation FAQ

Request Mediation

For more information

Kelly Browe-Olson, Mediation Clinic Director

Tiffany Tackett Kell, Mediation Programs Coordinator