UA Little Rock to Host Bestselling Author Matthew Desmond

Photo of Matthew Desmond by Barron Bixler.
Photo of Matthew Desmond by Barron Bixler.

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock will host a special visit by New York Times bestselling author Matthew Desmond as part of the university’s fourth annual Inclusive and Inspiring Speaker Series.

Desmond’s latest book, “Poverty, By America,” focuses on the roots of poverty in America, how it is sustained, and how we can make changes.

“Poverty is one of the most intractable problems we have in Arkansas, and it is important that we listen to a variety of perspectives on this issue,” Chancellor Christina S. Drale said. “If we can ultimately move the needle on poverty, we will move the needle on so many other challenges that are connected to it. Few subjects are more central to our future than this.”

The event, which is free and open to the public, will begin at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 10, in the University Theatre in the Center for Performing Arts at UA Little Rock. Those who would like to attend may register online.

Desmond will share insights with a lecture focused on his book “Poverty, By America.” Little Rock Vice-Mayor Kathy Webb will then join Desmond for an on-stage conversation, followed by a book-signing opportunity in the lobby.

“Desmond’s books ‘Evicted’ and ‘Poverty, by America’ have both made a major impact on me, and have given urgency to tackling poverty and housing,” Webb said. “I am excited that UA Little Rock is bringing Desmond to Little Rock and hope that the conversation sparks thought and renewed action.”

In addition to Desmond, several local nonprofit organizations will be on hand ahead of the event to share how they are addressing a range of topics in the central Arkansas community like poverty, food insecurity, and affordable housing shortages.

Desmond is a professor of sociology at Princeton University. After receiving his Ph.D. in 2010 from the University of Wisconsin at Madison, he joined the Harvard Society of Fellows as a junior fellow. He is the author of four books, including “Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City” (2016), which won the Pulitzer Prize and the Carnegie Medal. The principal investigator of the Eviction Lab, Desmond’s research focuses on poverty in America, city life, housing insecurity, public policy, racial inequality, and ethnography.

UA Little Rock’s Inclusive & Inspiring Speaker Series began in 2022 and is an opportunity for the campus community to hear from a variety of voices on subjects that advance understanding around issues of national and global importance.

The event is presented by the UA Little Rock Office of the Chancellor and is made possible by the generosity of sponsors including the Chancellor’s Circle, Arkansas Community Action Agencies Association, Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance, Anne Fund, Little Rock Vice-Mayor Kathy Webb, Kelly and Shannon Fleming in honor of Habitat for Humanity, Little Rock City Director Capi Peck, Mary and Jim Wohlleb, Methodist Foundation of Arkansas, Arkansas Rep. Tippi McCullough, and Winrock Foundation.