Affordable, Career-Ready Degrees Offered 100% online

UA Little Rock values the hard-working student and we realize that it’s not always possible to come to campus for classes. Whatever your circumstance is, we are committed to helping you work toward your goals. Whether you’re seeking an undergraduate degree, a graduate degree, or a certificate, UA Little Rock Online offers numerous options to help you advance your education and career.

No matter where you are in life, our flexible course schedules and accredited degrees can help you reach your academic goals.

Fully Online Programs

Through UA Little Rock Online, you can complete your entire degree or certificate online. Our online students know they’re receiving a high-quality education from award-winning faculty, as well as full-time support from an established and trusted university.

High-Quality Programs Taught by Experienced Faculty

UA Little Rock embraces high-quality course development, instruction, and innovation in all subject areas. Our online programs are taught by the same experienced faculty who teach face-to-face courses on our physical campus in Little Rock.

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Benefits of the Online Campus

Participating in UA Little Rock Online involves more than just taking online courses. Students who are declared in one of our approved online degree or certificate programs enjoy the following benefits:

  • Standard rates: Students who complete their degree entirely online through UA Little Rock Online do not pay any on-campus fees, and they have the convenience and flexibility to complete courses alongside other responsibilities.
  • Flexible schedule and location: Most online courses offered through UA Little Rock Online are asynchronous, meaning there are no set class meeting times. Aside from weekly deadlines, you can complete your coursework on your own schedule and anywhere that has a stable Internet connection.
  • Accessible resources: UA Little Rock Online students have full access to UA Little Rock’s academic resources, such as the Ottenheimer Library, the Learning Commons, and Blackboard Student Support, but they do not pay for access to non-academic resources, such as Health Services and the Donaghey Fitness Center.