Generally, policies for fraternity or sorority lodges are applicable to other student organizations or groups contemplating leasing, renting, or purchasing a house or buying property to build a lodge or center. For more information regarding housing policies, contact the dean of students; vice chancellor of student affairs; and the vice chancellor for finance and administration.

Sorority and Fraternity Lodges

General Polices

  1. The university is interested in coordinating its master campus development plan with those of its sororities and fraternities contemplating leasing or purchasing a house or lodge, or buying property to build a house or lodge. The university administration works and coordinates with the NPHC, NIC, and NPC housing committees, national headquarters, and local alumni chapters for exchange of ideas to formulate satisfactory housing, programs, and a wise housing plan where fraternity/sorority chapters are concerned. Plans include type or plan of housing, some degree of conformity to eliminate competition on a material basis, and housing that will contribute to a useful, healthy, and happy living or sharing experience for the fraternity/sorority chapters. For more information regarding housing policies and agreements, contact the Office of Campus Life.
  2. The type of housing at the university for Greek groups is the fraternity or sorority lodge. The lodge is defined as a place for meetings, activities, and events sponsored by the organization but in which no students reside. A lodge shall contain no living quarters except for an approved adult, non-student host or hostess, or approved graduate student within the purpose(s) or needs of the group.
  3. The group must agree to abide by all interpretations and stipulations which will make the use of the lodge consistent with the policies of the university.
  4. Events scheduled at the lodge are to be closed by 1:00 a.m. Friday and Saturday nights and by 11 p.m. on Sunday through Thursday nights. Generally, this regulation is interpreted to mean no one is to be in the lodge after an event (1:00 a.m. on weekends and 11:00 p.m. on week nights) except that officers or designated members will be permitted to stay up to thirty (30) minutes after the event to close the lodge, check for security purposes, etc. Failure to adhere to designated closing times may result in denial of future activities by the approving official.
  5. The group is expected to follow the university’s established procedures for handling disturbances at events on fraternity or sorority premises. Procedures and guidelines can be obtained at the Office of Campus Life.
  6. Members and invited guests of the group are expected to be in compliance with UA Little Rock’s Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Behavior; university policies, rules, and regulations; and federal, state, and local laws.
  7. Fraternities and sororities are expected to provide ample off-street parking space for members.
  8. Groups planning an event on premises with large numbers of invited guests will consult with the dean of students or designee regarding the group’s plans for parking, security, restroom facilities, etc. (Also, refer to the Policy on Alcohol.)
  9. Complaints from neighbors made to the dean of students or designee, or to the Department of Public Safety concerning excessive noise coming from the premises, disorderly conduct, or disregard of private property or the rights of others will be investigated and appropriate action will be taken.

Procedures for Handling Disturbances at Events on the Premise of Any Fraternity or Sorority

If there is a disturbance at an event on the premise of any fraternity or sorority, the following procedures will be used as agreed to by the dean of students.

  1. The president is the official representative of his or her chapter and is the contact person who will communicate with Department of Public Safety and/or UA Little Rock police officer. However, if the president is not going to be in attendance, he or she shall notify the Office of Campus Life and the Department of Public Safety at least six (6) hours before the time of the event, giving the name of the person and office held who will represent him or her at the event.
  2. When it has been determined that there is a problem that cannot be resolved by the president or designee, the president or designee should immediately notify Department of Public Safety.
  3. Under no circumstances will the president or designee, member, guest, or advisor use physical force to rectify the problem or disturbance.
  4. An ample number of officers should be present. (See calendarization for number of officers required, approved by the Office of Campus Life.) Approved police officers for events requiring law enforcement officers include:
    1. UA Little Rock police officers
    2. North Little Rock police officers
    3. Pulaski County police officers
  5. If the problem/disturbance occurs outside the lodge, the president or designee will inform the members and guests to return to the lodge. Members and guests are expected to respond immediately to these instructions.
  6. A university citation can be issued by Department Public Safety officers to individual students or Greek groups who are in violation of UA Little Rock’s rules and regulations and the Code, and misdemeanors witnessed by the authorized officer.
  7. When Department of Public Safety receives a complaint from the public regarding excessive or loud noise, disturbances, and/or patrol, etc., a UA Little Rock police officer will investigate the complaint or problem and take appropriate action. The police officer has the authority to close the event and/or lodge, place restrictions, etc.
  8. The Office of the Dean of Students receives copies of Department of Public Safety reports and citations issued and take appropriate action.

Funds Solicitation by Registered Student Organizations (Charitable Activities)

Solicitation activities shall be defined as donations without products or services being rendered or as raising funds through direct sale of merchandise or services for the benefit of non-university charitable organizations.

Registered student organizations desiring to solicit funds for non-university charitable organizations which they deem worthy of support do so subject to the following restrictions:

  1. All charities will be required to certify their existence to the satisfaction of the university.
  2. All solicitation activities, on campus or off, must comply with university policies and federal, state, and local laws.
  3. All solicitation activities must be registered and approved in advance in the Office of Campus Life.
  4. Fund-raising projects for philanthropic purposes must be directed to nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations and not made directly available to individuals.
  5. Refer to fund solicitation policies by registered student organizations (Non-Charitable Activities).

Funds Solicitation by Registered Student Organizations (Non-Charitable Activities)

Within the parameters established herein, registered student organizations may sell materials related to the purpose of the organization and may collect dues, initiation fees, donations, and admission charges for their activities. All funds raised are to be used for the ongoing support of these non-charitable activities.

Fund-raising activities are subject to the following restrictions:

  1. All fund-raising activities must be scheduled and approved at least one (1) week in advance by the Office of Campus Life.
  2. In addition, if the activity is held in the Donaghey Student Center, it must be scheduled in advance with the Donaghey Student Center director or designee.
  3. All fund-raising activities must comply with university policies and federal, state, and local laws.
  4. A proposed fund-raising program of a registered student organization will not be approved if it is determined that the program is in direct conflict with the ongoing business enterprises of the university.
  5. No registered student organization shall have the right to disturb or infringe on the privacy of individuals. Use of university classroom facilities is limited to prevent exploitation of the members of the university community. No room-to-room soliciting will be permitted in university housing. Fund-raising door-to-door is prohibited.
  6. Fund solicitation is limited to registered student organizations sponsoring or participating in solicitation, either on or off campus. Registered student organizations will assume full responsibility for adherence by participating students to all laws and regulations governing such activities, including financial obligations.
  7. Registered student organizations or other groups that use university facilities for money-making purposes will use the proceeds only for purposes stated on the fund-raising forms and in accordance with the purposes of the registered student organization.
  8. The university’s name can only be used in accordance with the policies, rules, and regulations as stipulated herein, i.e., regulations governing registered student organizations and activities.
  9. Solicitation of funds from merchants, non-university groups, or individuals must be coordinated by the appropriate office and with the Office of Development so that the university’s total fund-raising efforts may be coordinated and an overall fund-raising balance maintained.
  10. Use of university facilities and premises for fund-raising activities is permitted only at designated locations under these specified conditions:
    1. Donaghey Student Center building and mall areas (subject to scheduling) only if the project does not duplicate the services and is not in direct conflict with the ongoing enterprises of the university. Decisions relating to such projects shall be referred to the appropriate official or staff member responsible for the enterprises, e.g., the bookstore manager, dining services manager, etc.
    2. Request for fund-raising activities at locations other than those specifically named above must receive: 1) approval from the dean of students for Greek organizations or the Office of Campus Life for other registered student organizations and 2) approval of the site by the person responsible for the facility or space.
    3. Registered student organizations will not charge admission, sell tickets, or conduct fund-raisers in connection with dances held on campus unless authorized by the Office of the Dean of Students.

University Alcohol and Other Substance Abuse Policy for Student Organizations and Groups

Diversity of opinion and freedom of choice are principles which have long been part of the higher education tradition. However, this freedom entails the exercise of personal responsibility, a responsibility that includes the obligation to make informed decisions regarding the use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs. The use of the term “drug” in this handbook refers to alcohol, any illegal drug, and abuse of legal drugs including, but not limited to, prescription drugs.

Alcohol and other substance abuse is a university campus concern. When students abuse alcohol and other drugs, academic performance, health, personal relationships, and safety suffer. Abusive levels of alcohol use and other drugs often result in problems such as automobile and other accidents, student conflicts, property damage, aggravated physical illness, and sometimes death.

A reduction of problems related to the abuse of alcohol and other drugs cannot be achieved solely through student development programs, curricular offerings, or through the development of rules, regulations, and policies. However, rules and policies are important and necessary. Students need to know what their responsibilities are as members of the university community, registered student organizations, and groups, and fully understand the university’s expectations and regulations regarding registered student organizations. Students should be thoroughly familiar with the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Behavior outlined in the UA Little Rock Student Handbook.

The university has in operation a drug prevention program which is accessible to students and is committed to the elimination of drug abuse. The university:

  1. Promotes an educational environment free from the abuse of drugs.
  2. Educates members of the community for the purpose of preventing drug abuse, and educates them about the use of legal drugs in ways that are not harmful to self and others.
  3. Creates an environment that promotes and reinforces healthy, responsible living, respect for community laws and campus standards and regulations, individual responsibility within the community, and the intellectual, social, emotional, spiritual or ethical, and physical well-being of its community members.
  4. Provides for a reasonable level of care of alcohol and drug abusers through counseling, treatment, and/or referral service.
  5. Exercises appropriate disciplinary action for alcohol and/or other drug policy violation.

Disciplinary sanctions for the illegal sale or distribution of drugs on campus or within the institution’s jurisdiction or at events controlled by the university may subject the student to separation from the university or referral for prosecution.

Additional information can be obtained in the publication Alcohol, Drugs, the Law and You. This booklet may be acquired in the Office of Health Services.

University Requirements

The following alcohol policies and regulations have been adopted by the university for events sponsored by a registered student organization or group at fraternity/sorority lodges or at student centers:

  1. Possession, sale, consumption, or serving of alcoholic beverages on the premises of any fraternity, sorority, registered student organization or group, or at any entertainment or event sponsored by these groups shall be in compliance with all applicable laws and university regulations.
  2. The use of alcoholic beverages during formal rush and/or at membership recruitment functions is prohibited.
  3. Guidelines for events which involve alcoholic beverages are:
    1. There shall be no open solicitation, encouragement of alcohol consumption, or promotion of a drinking contest.
    2. Promotional materials including advertising of the event shall not refer to the amount of alcoholic beverages, e.g., the number of beer kegs, available.
    3. Alcoholic beverages shall not be provided as free awards to individual students or campus organizations.
    4. The group sponsoring the event shall implement precautionary measures to ensure that alcoholic beverages are not accessible or served to or consumed by persons under the legal drinking age or to persons who appear intoxicated.
    5. Where alcoholic beverages are provided by the group, direct access shall be limited to person(s) designated as the server(s).
    6. Non-alcoholic beverages should be available at the same place and featured as prominently as the alcoholic beverages.
    7. Food items shall be made available throughout the event.
    8. Advertisement for the event where alcoholic beverages are included shall note the availability of non-alcoholic beverages as prominently as alcohol. Alcohol shall not be used as an inducement to participate in the event.
    9. Constituted law officers or the faculty/staff advisor (alumni/alumnae advisor if a fraternity or sorority), shall be present at all times during an event if it is exclusively for members and invited guests.
    10. A minimum of two (2) constituted law enforcement officers shall be present at all times during an event when the invited guests exceed 100.
    11. The Application for Events Involving Alcoholic Beverages must be submitted with the calendarization form when alcoholic beverages are involved. Registration forms are available in the Office of Campus Life.
  1. Drinking age law for possession, consumption, and sale of alcoholic beverages as well as penalties for violation of such laws. Arkansas law provides that it is unlawful for any person under age 21 to purchase or have in possession any intoxicating liquor, wine, or beer. It also provides that it is unlawful for a minor to be allowed to handle alcoholic beverages in any way with this exception: minors are allowed to serve as cashiers and stock boys in grocery stores selling beer where those stores have gross sales of more than $2 million per year. The charge of a minor in possession is a criminal matter and is adjudicated by the municipal courts. Possession, consumption, and sale of alcoholic beverages by persons under the lawful age is considered a Class C misdemeanor.
  2. Open container law regarding alcoholic beverages being consumed in outdoor areas or automobiles prohibits drinking in public. Arkansas law provides that a person commits the offense of drinking in public if he or she consumes any alcoholic beverage in any public place, on any highway, or street, or upon any passenger coach, streetcar, or in or upon any vehicle commonly used for the transportation of passengers, or in or about any depot, platform, waiting station or room, or other public place other than a place of business licensed to sell alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises. Drinking in public is a Class C misdemeanor.
  3. Arkansas does not have a dram shop law. The state does not have any provision in its statutes that imputes liability automatically to the dispenser of alcoholic beverages, however, the trend is moving toward holding those persons who give parties where alcoholic beverages are served, liable for any damages resulting from the actions of intoxicated guests.
  4. Arkansas legislative acts have established new and stiffer penalties for DWI and DUI offenses, which include fines and jail sentences that are mandatory under these laws. All students should be aware of the severity of these penalties.

Alcohol Marketing Guidelines

Alcohol marketers will not be permitted to promote their products on campus without first consulting the dean of students or designee, and they must agree to abide by the following marketing guidelines:

  1. Alcohol beverage marketing programs specifically targeted for students or held on campus should conform to the Code and should avoid demeaning sexual or discriminatory portrayal of individuals.
  2. Promotion of alcoholic beverages should not encourage any form of alcohol abuse nor should it place emphasis on quantity and frequency of use.
  3. Alcoholic beverages, e.g., kegs or cases of beer, should not be provided as free awards to individual students or campus organizations.
  4. No uncontrolled or controlled sampling as part of campus marketing programs should be permitted, and no sampling or other promotional activities should include drinking contests.
  5. Promotional activities should not be associated with otherwise existing campus events or programs without the prior knowledge and consent of the dean of students or designee.
  6. Display or availability of promotional materials should be determined in consultation with the dean of students or designee.
  7. Informational marketing programs should have educational value and subscribe to the philosophy of responsible and legal use of the products represented.
  8. Alcohol marketers should support campus alcohol education programs that encourage informed and responsible decisions about whether to use beer, wine, or distilled spirits.
  9. Alcohol advertising on campus or in institutional media, including that which promotes events as well as product advertising, should not portray drinking as a solution to personal or academic problems of students or as necessary to social, sexual, or academic success.
  10. Advertising and other promotional campus activities should not associate drinking alcohol with the performance of tasks that require skilled reactions such as the operation of motor vehicles or machinery.
  11. Local off-campus promotional activities primarily directed at students should be developed in consultation with the dean of students or designee.

Policy for Inviting Speakers and Political Activities

Any registered student organization may use university facilities for open or closed meetings or performances subject only to local campus scheduling regulations and policies for inviting speakers and political activities. Obtain an Open Meeting with Off-Campus Speaker Application Form from the Office of Campus Life.

If an off-campus speaker or performer is to be invited to address an open meeting of a registered student organization, the faculty advisor must give approval before an invitation is extended and publicity is released. In the event that the group does not currently have an official advisor, the approval of a faculty member is required. The university administration may properly inform an organization concerning its view on any proposed meeting to which an off-campus speaker or performer has been invited but will leave the final decision concerning the meeting to the organization and its faculty advisor.

Publicity and communications concerning any meeting shall clearly identify the sponsoring organization and shall carefully avoid any stated or implied university sponsorship. In all open meetings with an off-campus speaker, a faculty member shall serve as moderator and a reasonable period shall be reserved for questions from the audience.

An invitation to a speaker does not necessarily imply approval or disapproval of the speaker or his or her views by either the university or the student organization. In case a request for the use of a university facility by a registered student organization cannot be granted, it is the responsibility of the university officer to whom the request was made to notify promptly in writing the organization making the request, stating the reason for the denial.

Speakers may be invited to the campus to discuss political issues. Registered student organizations may solicit membership and dues at meetings. Money may not be raised for projects not directly connected with a university activity, and private business may not be conducted in university facilities.

Regulation on Use of Sound Amplification Devices on Campus

“Sound amplification device” as used in this regulation means any electronically operated or assisted device for the amplification of sound including, but not limited to, public address system bullhorns, music or voice amplifiers, megaphones, or any combination thereof.

The indiscriminate and unregulated use of sound amplification devices in the buildings and on the campus and grounds of UA Little Rock is detrimental to the university and seriously disrupts and impedes it in accomplishing and carrying out its functions, missions, and obligations as an educational institution.

The use of sound amplification devices in buildings on the campus or any site owned by the university or under its control, except as provided in the following paragraph, is hereby prohibited unless a permit for the use of the same is first obtained from the approving office or a designated representative.

This regulation shall not be deemed to limit the use of sound amplification devices as a part of and in furtherance of university sponsored and scheduled activities or by university officials, faculty, and employees in performance of their duties.

Permits issued shall specify the time, duration, location, and manner for which proposed use of sound amplification device is authorized. Any use thereof which deviates from the permit as to time, duration, location, or manner, shall cause the revocation by the university of said permit.

A permit for the use of sound amplification devices may be granted:

  1. When the time, location, manner, and extent of amplification will not unreasonably interfere with or distract the students, faculty, employees, and guests of the university from their university-scheduled academic programs or business activities.
  2. When the time, location, manner, and extent of amplification will not unreasonably interfere with, distract, or otherwise cause unreasonable congestion of students, faculty, employees, and guests of the university in going to and from university-scheduled academic activities or business affairs.
  3. When the time, location, manner, and extent of amplification will not unreasonably interfere, distract or hamper the university, its faculty, and staff from fulfilling its obligations and missions by providing an educational institution for the benefit and enhancement of all students in attendance.

Complaints regarding sound amplification devices and interference with the stated guidelines shall be reported to the Office of Campus Life. Any use of sound amplification devices without a permit may result in disciplinary action being taken against the user, including the removal of such equipment or device.

Outdoor Amplified Musical Events

The Office of Campus Life reviews requests made by university student groups and registered student organizations to stage any outdoor amplified musical event on the UA Little Rock campus. The approving office may ask representatives of the sponsoring student group or registered student organization to clarify and discuss the proposal. The approving office may seek approval from the dean of students to accept a proposal subject to modifications or changes, or to reject the proposal. If the approving office rejects the proposal it will provide the sponsoring group or registered student organization with a written explanation within five (5) class days and notify the group or registered student organization in writing that they may appeal the decision to the Student Affairs Committee within three (3) class days. The committee shall review the proposal within five (5) class days of the appeal.

The committee may request that representatives of the sponsoring group or registered student organization be present to clarify and discuss the proposal. If the committee recommends a proposal be rejected, it will provide the sponsoring group or registered student organization with a written explanation. The recommendation of the committee shall be by majority vote of the members present, three-fourths of the committee membership constituting a quorum.

The committee may also choose to accept a proposal subject to certain modifications or changes specified by the committee. The committee will report its decision immediately and in writing to the group, the vice chancellor of student affairs (VCSA), and the approving office. The group may appeal the decision of the committee in writing within three (3) class days upon receiving notification.

The VCSA may elect to:

  1. Approve the recommendation.
  2. Reject the recommendation; or
  3. Approve the recommendation subject to any changes or modifications he or she shall deem appropriate.

If the vice chancellor of student affairs rejects or modifies the recommendation, he or she shall provide the group with a written explanation within three (3) class days of the appeal.

The proposal must be submitted to the approving office at least two (2) weeks before the outdoor concert or musical event and advance notice of up to six (6) weeks may be required depending upon financial and contractual arrangements. The proposal will identify:

  1. The target audience.
  2. The source of funding.
  3. The sponsoring university student group or registered student organization.
  4. The number and identity of concert monitors.
  5. The nature of the program to be presented.
  6. A complete description of the musical group, e.g., 10-piece band, one-man show, etc., including the name of the group, and proposed location.

The proposal will outline clean-up provisions, security provisions, and restrooms to be available as well as liability coverage for the event if this is appropriate. Additionally, the proposal will conform to these guidelines:

  1. Outdoor musical events or concerts during class hours are normally not permitted and shall in all instances be limited to university wide events such as Homecoming. They are subject to prior approval from the Office of Campus Life.
  2. The event may be scheduled on weekdays, during university holidays, and during weekends. An event scheduled on holidays, Monday through Thursday or on Sunday, shall be concluded by 10:00 p.m. Events scheduled on weekends, Fridays, and Saturdays must conclude by midnight. The sound must be maintained at an acceptable level at all times. Acceptable volume levels take into consideration:
    • The proximity of the event to academic buildings, residence halls, or private residences.
    • The number of musical instruments and amplification capacity of equipment involved in the event.
    • The time of day at which the event is taking place.
    • The expected duration of the event.
    • The number of complaints received from the surrounding community as to the sound level of the event.

      At the request of an authorized university official to lower the sound level, the performer and the sponsoring group shall respond immediately.
  3. Normally, off-campus advertising is prohibited, including but not limited to radio, television, posters, and handbills.
  4. Alcohol and drugs are prohibited.
  5. Failure to adhere to this policy will result in the sponsoring student group or registered student organization being subject to possible restitution and loss of privilege to sponsor events for up to one (1) year. Additionally, any sponsoring group or student who violates the provisions of the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Behavior found in the UA Little Rock Student Handbook or the general rules and regulations of the university may be subject to the sanctions contained therein.

Official Extracurricular Activities

Certain extracurricular activities are subject to scholastic regulations and other requirements and are designated as official extracurricular activities. These include intercollegiate athletics for men and women and specified extracurricular activities and sports. Other extracurricular activities may include:

  1. Serving as editor or business manager of any official student publication;
  2. Holding any office recognized by the constitution and bylaws of the SGA; and
  3. Being a cheerleader.

The Athletic Committee and the Department of Athletics supervise intercollegiate athletics.

Procedures for Scheduling Activities

The Master Calendar of the university is maintained by the information center supervisor at the Donaghey Student Center Information Center. All events sponsored on or off campus by registered student organizations or groups must be entered on the Master Calendar.

On-Campus Events

The following procedures shall be followed before events sponsored by student organizations on campus:

  1. Obtain copies of the On-Campus Calendar Scheduling Form from the Donaghey Student Center Information Center.
  2. Each event sponsored by a registered student organization or group must be entered on the University Master Calendar of Events at least three (3) class days before the date requested. If security is required at the event, it must be calendarized ten (10) class days prior to the event. (Refer to Musical Events.)
  3. The Facilities Reservation Form will not be signed by the Donaghey Student Center Information Center and the approving office unless all information requested on the form is entered, including time, place, advisor, etc. Return the copies to the Donaghey Student Center Information Center.
  4. The supervisor will sign the scheduling form and return copies to the facilities manager and the Office of Campus Life. The student organization will pick up its copy at the Donaghey Student Center Information Center.
  5. If the event sponsored involves a guest speaker for an open meeting, the distribution of literature, or an outdoor amplified musical event, the organization must submit a Speaker Form, Literature Pass, or a Musical Event Form to insure that the procedures required by the university are followed. Forms are available at the designated office or on sale at UA Little Rock’s Central Store.
  6. Failure to comply with the calendarizing policy may result in the loss of calendarization privileges for a designated period of time.

Off-Campus Events

The following procedures shall be followed before events sponsored by student organizations off campus:

  1. Obtain copies of the Off-Campus Calendar Scheduling Form from the Donaghey Student Center Information Center.
  2. The Facilities Reservation Form will not be signed by the Donaghey Student Center Information Center supervisor and the approving office unless all information requested on the form is entered, including time, place, advisor, etc.
  3. Return the copies of the form to the Donaghey Student Center Information Center.
  4. The supervisor will sign the form and return a copy to the approving office. The organization will pick up its copy at the Donaghey Student Center Information Center.
  5. Each event sponsored by a registered student organization or group must be entered on the University Master Calendar of Events at least three (3) class days before the date requested. (Refer to Musical Events.)
  6. Failure to comply with the three (3) calendar day policy may result in the loss of calendarization privileges for a designated period of time.

General Regulations for Student Activities

Student activities must comply with these regulations:

  1. Registered student organizations are permitted to sponsor events and activities for its members and invited guests.
  2. Requirements of attendance by advisors, approved chaperones, or police officers are determined by the type of event, if alcoholic beverages will be involved, and number of persons expected to attend. The determination is made by the approving office in consultation with the president of the group.
  3. Student organizations may undertake fund-raising projects. (See policies for fund-raising.)
  4. An event shall not be publicized until approved by the advisor and officially scheduled with the Information Center.
  5. Events scheduled on campus must close by midnight on Sunday through Thursday, unless a holiday, and by 2:00 a.m. on Friday, Saturday, and holidays. (Refer to Outdoor Musical Events.)
  6. Classrooms are not to be used for general purposes.
  7. UA Little Rock police officers or other constituted law enforcement officers are required for dances scheduled on campus and may also be required by the approving office for certain types of events on or off campus, at fraternity/sorority lodges, and at student centers.
  8. When certified police officers are required by the approving authority for campus events, for events hosted at fraternity/sorority lodges or any event held within the university’s jurisdiction, a written request for police services must be submitted to Department of Public Safety ten (10) class days prior to the event. Events which require police services must also be placed on the university calendar ten (10) class days prior to the event. If the Department of Public Safety is unable to provide police services, the approving official will be notified at least three (3) class days prior to the event. The approving official will notify the student organization that the event must be canceled. All arrangements for police services will be conducted between the registered student organization and Department of Public Safety. Payment for police services will be made when the request for services is submitted. There will be a built in charge of thirty (30) minutes for clearing the facility and premises after the closing of the event.
  9. All Greek lodges’ social events will be restricted to invitation only. Guests, other than members, must receive written invitation prior to the events. Invitation will include the name of the function, the name of the sponsoring group, date, time, UA Little Rock’s policy concerning the use of alcohol, and where appropriate, the organization’s official identification symbol. A master guest list, which includes all guest names, will be maintained at the approved entrance(s) and as invited guests present their invitation, the master guest list will be checked and a notation will be entered on the guest list denoting that a guest is in fact attending the function. A copy of the master guest list must be submitted to the reviewing office forty-eight (48) hours prior to the function.
  10. The maximum number of individuals permitted to be in attendance at a particular event at any one time must be determined prior to registering the event and in conjunction with the appropriate fire marshal and the university reviewing office. Groups will be responsible for keeping an accurate count of the number of individuals in attendance at any one time.
  11. The number of permissible entrances for a registered social event will be determined during the reviewing process with the organizational delegate and the reviewing office’s designee. Likewise, the number of exits, as well as the appropriate requirement for manning them, will be determined during the reviewing process, and will be based on appropriate fire codes and safety requirements.
  12. Marshals should be identified individuals, i.e., t-shirts, arm bands, hats, etc., and are responsible for the proper management of the social event. They are expected to be on duty for the duration of the social event. Marshals shall refrain from the consumption of alcohol and shall work with the advisor or sponsor and university police when appropriate. Some of the marshal’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to, controlling entrances and exits, verifying invitations, confronting individuals with alcohol in public areas, confronting other inappropriate behavior, and making decisions regarding the continuation of the event, if necessary.
  13. Due to potential liability, the only structures which the university will permit to be constructed are fences which may be built to ensure that only those persons possessing invitations enter an event. Materials must be evaluated by the city fire marshal for safety. Petitions for exceptions may be made through the reviewing office.
  14. A clean up committee must be identified prior to the activity. Clean up of the outside property, fences, and neighborhood must be completed immediately following the event. All materials must be removed within two (2) class days of the function.

All groups should remember that these are minimum standards of care that should be exercised in all social events. Depending on the scope of activities, additional measures may be deemed necessary by the group and/or university to ensure a safe and enjoyable activity.