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UA Little Rock celebrates National Nurses Week: Jade Jones

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock recognizes nursing student Jade Jones in celebration of National Nurses Week May 6-12.

In celebration of National Nurses Week May 6-12, UA Little Rock is recognizing outstanding nursing students and upcoming graduates.

For Jade Jones, the journey to a nursing career began with a front row seat in the world of nursing. She will graduate this month with an Associate of Applied Science in Nursing degree, leading her one step closer to her career as an ICU nurse.

Tell us about yourself. 

I am from Little Rock, Arkansas. I started working in healthcare as a cardiac monitor technician when I was 19. My journey as a nursing student at UA Little Rock started May of 2019. 

Why did you decide to become a nurse?

I believe nursing chose me. My interest in nursing started when I accepted my first job in the hospital. It gave me a front row seat of where I would eventually be. I worked closely with nurses, and in my heart I knew I would become a nurse. Nursing to me means to be compassionate, an advocate, a listener, and a caregiver. It also means that no matter who you are, I will take care of you. 

What is your most memorable experience as a nursing student?

When I had my first patient, introducing myself as a nursing student for the first time made me emotional. It was official that my journey had begun. 

National Nurses Week honors the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing. Who are some of the nurses who have mentored you throughout your time in the nursing program?

My obstetrics clinical instructor Suzanne Branton helped me to build confidence in my skills. My critical care clinical instructor Carrie Wiles gave me interview tips and advice on what to do as a new nurse. I am grateful for their guidance. 

What advice would you give to others hoping to become nurses?

First, be sure you’re doing it for the right reasons. Study hard from the beginning. Do your very best in your nursing classes early on to set a strong foundation. You are not only studying to pass the test, you are studying because one day patients’ lives will be in your hands. Learn all you can, develop relationships with your classmates, and find a mentor that you can go to for help.

What are your plans after graduating from UA Little Rock?

My main goal is to pass the NCLEX. I will then start my career at UAMS as an ICU nurse. Another one of my goals is to continue my education in nursing. I also plan to volunteer at community healthcare events.