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UA Little Rock’s New Mural to be Unveiled May 11

Emma Chambers' winning design for the student mural competition

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock will unveil a new mural at Ottenheimer Library on Tuesday, May 11, that was chosen by thousands of students and employees at UA Little Rock. 

The Student Government Association, in conjunction with the Faculty Senate Building and Grounds Committee, held the university’s first student mural contest during the 2020-21 school year. 

A dedication ceremony for the new mural will begin at 11 a.m. May 11 at Ottenheimer Library Lobby. Chancellor Christina Drale will preside over the unveiling with remarks from SGA President Landon DeKay and the artist. 

Emma Chambers, a junior Bachelor of Fine Arts major with a concentration in painting, won the competition, receiving more than 750 votes for her design of fish swimming in a koi pond.

“I am really into painting fish, especially koi fish,” Chambers said. “I grew up with a koi pond, and I’ve always been interested in the form of the fish. It’s very graceful. I wanted to provide a sense of tranquility and relaxation. I wanted something that would be calming and pleasant for students.”

Chambers also said she also drew inspiration for her design from the koi fish mural in downtown Little Rock that was painted by Matt McLeod and UA Little Rock students. She received a $1,000 stipend to complete the mural during the month of April. The mural will be eight feet wide and 16 feet long.

Chambers is a Little Rock native and member of the Donaghey Scholars Honor Program. In addition to the BFA, she is earning minors in applied design-ceramics and Spanish. After she graduates in spring 2022, Chambers plans to attend graduate school to further her study of ceramics or open an art studio.