With the fall semester coming to a close, the School of Literary and Performing Arts at UA Little Rock reflects on the increase in experiential learning offerings for its students since the school’s inception in 2022. Continue reading “UA Little Rock’s School of Literary and Performing Arts Offers Students Immersive Experiences”
After a successful first year of a new teacher residency program, a second cohort of teacher residents from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock have joined Jacksonville North Pulaski School District (JNPSD) to learn how to become day-one ready teachers. Continue reading “New Cohort of UA Little Rock Teaching Residents Join Jacksonville North Pulaski School District”
The School of Art and Design at UA Little Rock will host its annual Holiday Sale and Open House from 3-8 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 8 in the Windgate Center of Art + Design on the university campus. Continue reading “School of Art and Design to Host Holiday Sale and Open House Nov. 8”
Produced by the School of Literary and Performing Arts, the theatre arts program at UA Little Rock will perform Moliére’s “The Imaginary Invalid” at the end of October. Continue reading “UA Little Rock Presents Theatre Production “The Imaginary Invalid””
The College of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences, and Education (CHASSE) at UA Little Rock has announced its upcoming events in November during the fall 2024 semester. With only one event scheduled in December—the final Evenings with History lecture of the year featuring Dr. Hannah Anderson—these events round out the fall 2024 semester. Continue reading “CHASSE Announces November College Events”
A University of Arkansas at Little Rock student completed a highly competitive six-week summer theater program where participants create new work while training with professionals and emerging artists. Continue reading “Beckman Spends Memorable Summer at National Theatre Institute”
The College of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences, and Education (CHASSE) at UA Little Rock has announced its scheduled events for the month of October during the fall 2024 semester. The lineup of events for the remainder of the semester can be found on the college’s website. Continue reading “CHASSE Announces October College Events”
Sponsored by the University History Institute, the Department of History at UA Little Rock will host the annual Evenings with History lecture series featuring UA Little Rock faculty members and guest speakers who give presentations about historical topics. Continue reading “UA Little Rock Announces Evenings with History 2024-25 Speakers”
The University of Arkansas at Little Rock has started a community archaeology project on campus, inviting local residents to join forces with students and faculty in uncovering the rich history of the area. Continue reading “UA Little Rock Starts Community Archaeology Project to Uncover Local History”
The College of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences, and Education at UA Little Rock welcomes Amanda Burnham to campus on Thursday, Sept. 12 in celebration of her exhibition “Amanda Burnham: Y Tho” in the newly reopened Gallery One in the Fine Arts building. Continue reading “UA Little Rock to Celebrate Reopening of Gallery One Sept. 12”