Science Olympiad Goals and Mission


  • To create a passion for learning science by supporting elementary and secondary Science Olympiad tournaments at building, district, county, state and national levels with an emphasis on teamwork and a commitment to excellence.
  • To improve the quality of K-12 science education throughout the nation by changing the way science is perceived and the way it is taught (with an emphasis on problem solving and hands-on, minds-on constructivist learning practices). This goal is accomplished through in-depth core curriculum training workshops and the distribution of curriculum materials.
  • To celebrate and recognize the outstanding achievement of both students and teachers in the areas of science and technology by awarding thousand of certificates, medals, trophies and scholarships.
  • To promote partnerships among community, businesses, industry, government and education.


Arkansas Science Olympiad is a nonprofit organization incorporated within the state of Arkansas. The mission of Arkansas Science Olympiad is to improve the quality of K-12 science education in the state of Arkansas. Arkansas Science Olympiad will increase the interest in science and engineering among male, female, and minority students and provide recognition for outstanding achievement by both student and faculty members. Arkansas Science Olympiad is devoted to expending the knowledge-based workforce in Arkansas. These goals are accomplished by fostering competition and sportsmanship via Science Olympiad tournaments, incorporating Science Olympiad into classroom curriculum, faculty workshops, scholarships and by stressing the fun and amazement of discovery.