Understanding Your Grades

Permanent letter grades and their grade point values are:

Permanent Letter Grades Corresponding Grad Point Value
A – Superior work 4 grade points per credit hour
 B – Good work 3 grade points per credit hour
well above average
C – Average work 2 grade points per credit hour
D – Passing work 1 grade point per credit hour
below average work
F – Failing work 0 grade points per credit hour
I – Incomplete
CR – Credit
NC – No credit
IP – In progress (graduate projects, theses, dissertations)

A letter grade ending with an X indicates that the student is receiving that letter grade for non-attendance. This is normally associated with an F or an NC.

In addition, UA Little Rock uses the following administrative symbols:

AU – Audit

MG – Missing grade

W – Withdrawal/drop

A final course grade may not be changed on the basis of a second final examination or additional course work undertaken or completed after a student’s final course grade has been reported by the instructor to the Office of Records and Registration. Please visit UA Little Rock’s policy on Grades and Grading Systems – 404.13 for additional information.

Credit/No Credit

Students may take one course each semester on a credit/no credit basis with instructor approval arranged at the time of registration. The selection of courses is limited to electives. Courses in which a department requires credit/no credit grading are not included in this limitation.


The designation, I, or incomplete, is appropriate where the instructor deems that circumstances beyond the student’s control prevented timely completion of course requirements. The designation is given by the instructor only after consultation with the student and after the student has been informed in writing of the work to be completed and the date by which the work must be completed; additionally, a copy of the written notice must be filed with the department chairperson.

Expiration Date

The work must be completed and the instructor must submit the change to the appropriate grade by the date grades are due during the next nine-month academic semester (fall or spring) for undergraduate courses, and within one year from the date grades were due for graduate courses.

If the instructor does not convert the incomplete grade or submit an extension request within the allowable time frames the Incomplete grade will expire.

A request to extend the deadline to complete an I must be completed by the instructor and forwarded to the Office of Records and Registration prior to the Expiration Date. The extension request must include a specific date by which all course work will be completed, and this date will be the new Expiration Date.

Regardless of any extensions that may have been granted, an unconverted I grade will expire on the date that grades are due in a semester where the student has applied for graduation.

Once an I expires, it will be administratively converted to an F on a date to be set by the Registrar.


Please visit UA Little Rock’s policy on Auditing a Course – 514.1 for detailed information.

Criteria to receive the audit grade may be set forth by the instructor of the course. Auditing is subject to the professor’s approval and the payment of the applicable fees.

Missing Grade MG

MG indicates that no grade was reported by the instructor of the course during the open grade entry period. Please contact the instructor and/or the department of the course that’s graded with an MG, for additional information.