Bar Prep Skills Classes

First Year

First year students begin building a strong foundation for bar success by completing the first-year required curriculum (Civil Procedure, Criminal Law, Torts, Property, and Contracts). Completion of these courses provides a head start on bar exam preparation because these areas of the law are tested more heavily on the exam than material from courses taken during the second and third years. Through the Bowen Student Success Program (BSSP), student success team sessions, and workshops, students also start to learn about the process and timing of applying for the bar, including character and fitness qualifications.

Second Year

Second year students are encouraged to consider which topics are tested on the bar exam in each jurisdiction where they plan to take the exam and to enroll in as many bar tested courses as possible.

Students matriculating after July 2016 will be required to enroll in the Introduction to Bar Preparation Skills course during their 2L year. This is a pass/fail course that provides a broad overview of the bar exam and its components, as well as the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE). It also discusses study strategies and ways to begin preparing for the bar exam prior to graduation.

Third Year

Third year students should continue to make course selections with the bar exam in mind. Students are highly encouraged to register for Writing for the Bar Exam (offered in the fall semester) and Advanced Bar Preparation Skills (offered in the spring semester). These courses focus on issue spotting and analysis, and enhancing critical reading, thinking, and writing skills to maximize student performance on the bar exam.

Mandatory Bar Prep Skills Classes

Bowen places a premium on its students’ bar success by giving them every opportunity to improve their skills before graduation. To that end, students matriculating after July 2016 who have cumulative GPAs below 2.8 are required to take Writing for the Bar Exam and Advanced Bar Preparation Skills so they are set for success as they approach the bar exam.