M.S.L. Learning Outcomes and Performance Criteria

Learning Outcome 1:  Graduates will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the law and the American legal system.

Graduates will demonstrate achievement of this learning outcome by:

  1. Identifying and explaining the basic sources of American law, including common law and statutory law.
  2. Describing the organization, hierarchy, and relationships of American legal systems, including the federal and state legal systems.
  3. Identifying, defining, and explaining the fundamental terms, rules, principles, and policies of two of the following areas of law:  civil procedure, constitutional law, contracts, criminal law, criminal procedure, evidence, real property, or torts.

Learning Outcome 2:  Graduates will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of legal analysis and legal reasoning.

Graduates will demonstrate achievement of this learning outcome by:

  1. Accurately explaining the various components of a judicial opinion, including the legally relevant facts, the procedural history, the holding, the court’s reasoning, and dicta.
  2. Applying fundamental principles of statutory construction to legislation.
  3. Applying governing legal principles to new factual situations to formulate effective legal arguments and conclusions.
  4. Synthesizing relevant rules of law into a logical framework for analysis, including harmonizing apparently conflicting authorities and recognizing genuinely conflicting authorities.

Learning Outcome 3:  Graduates will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of legal research methods.

Graduates will demonstrate achievement of this learning outcome by:

  1. Developing an effective research strategy.
  2. Explaining the differences between primary sources of law and secondary sources.
  3. Explaining the differences between binding authority and persuasive authority.
  4. Identifying legal authorities that provide the governing legal principles for a factual situation.

Learning Outcome 4:  Graduates will communicate effectively about legal issues.

Graduates will demonstrate achievement of this learning outcome by:

  1. Writing an effective predictive legal memorandum.
  2. Verbally communicating the findings and reasoning of an effective predictive legal memorandum.
  3. Employing effective interpersonal communication skills to engage in respectful dialogue about legal issues.
  4. Completing a rigorous, extended piece of legal writing that demonstrates substantive knowledge of a particular legal or policy issue and effective research, analytical, organizational, and other writing skills.

Adopted: February 14, 2022