Professor Emerita of Law Librarianship; Former Reference/Special Collections Librarian
B.A., 1971, University of Arkansas – Fayetteville; MSLS, 1976, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; J.D., 1983, UA Little Rock School of Law |
Professor Fitzhugh served as reference and special collections librarian at the Bowen School of Law. She joined the UA Little Rock/Pulaski County Law Library in 1987 for two years and later in 1992 as public services librarian. Professor Fitzhugh’s primary responsibilities include faculty liaison and reference desk reference service and writing research guides. In addition, she serves as the library’s rare books librarian, archivist, exhibits curator, and preservation librarian. In 2003, Professor Fitzhugh received the law school’s Faculty Excellence Award for Public Service.
Before joining the law library staff, Professor Fitzhugh established the U.S. Courts Branch Library in Little Rock where she served as the first court librarian for the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. Before going into private practice in the late 1980s, Professor Fitzhugh served as law clerk to Hon. George Howard, Jr. from 1983-1984.
Professor Fitzhugh is an active member of several bar, library, and archivist associations. She has served as president and program chair of the Southwestern Association of Law Libraries (SWALL). She has served as parliamentarian of the W. Harold Flowers Law Society. Professor Fitzhugh has been a speaker at the annual meetings of the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL), Mid-America Association of Law Libraries (MAALL), and SWALL. Professor Fitzhugh has given CLE presentations for the National Business Institute, W. Harold Flowers Law Society, and Arkansas Bar Association. She has served as a speaker for the Arkansas History Commission and the Black History Commission of Arkansas.
Professor Fitzhugh’s publications include:
- Using Legislative History in Arkansas to Determine Legislative Intent: An Examination of Cases and Review of the Sources, with Melissa M. Serfass, 32 U. ARK. LITTLE ROCK L. REV. 285 (2010).
- “Moses Aaron Clark” in the ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ARKANSAS HISTORY AND CULTURE, 7/9/2009, online at
- “Government Internet Resources: Federal, State and Local” in FIND IT FREE AND FAST ON THE NET: STRATEGIES FOR LEGAL RESEARCH ON THE WEB. Eau Claire, Wis.: National Business Institute (2008).
- “Trust Bibliography” in REVOCABLE TRUST HANDBOOK FOR ARKANSAS PRACTITIONERS (Little Rock, Ark.: Arkansas Bar Association, 2007.
- “Federal Income Taxation” in SPECIALIZED LEGAL RESEARCH 3-1—3-101. New York: Aspen Publishers (2003).
- Arkansas Practice Materials II: A Selective Annotated Bibliography, 21 U. ARK. LITTLE ROCK L. REV. 363 (1999).
- Arkansas Practice Materials: A Selective Annotated Bibliography, 11 U. ARK. LITTLE ROCK L.J. 791 (1989). (First published in 81 LAW LIBR. J. 277 (1989).
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