High-aspect ratio and horizontally oriented carbon nanotubes synthesized by RF-cCVD (January 2010)
Enkeleda Dervishi, Zhongrui Li, Fumiya Watanabe, Viney Saini, Alexandru R. Biris, Yang Xu, Alexandru S. Biris.
Diamond and Related Materials, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 67-72.
Cytotoxicity and biological effects of functional nanomaterials delivered to various cell lines (January 2010)
Meena W. Mahmood, Daniel Casciano, T Mocan, Cornel Iancu, Yang Xu, Dana Todea-Lancu, Enkeleda Dervishi, Zhongrui Li, M Abdalmuhsen, Alexandru R. Biris, Nawab Ali, Paul Howard, Alexandru S. Biris.
Journal of Applied Toxicology, vol. 30, no.1, pp. 74-83.
Silane decorated metallic nanorods for hydrophobic applications (January 1, 2010)
Ganesh K. Kannarpady, Rajesh Sharma, Bo Liu, Steve Trigwell, Charles Ryerson, Alexandru S. Biris.
Applied Surface Science, vol. 256, no. 6, pp. 1679-1682.
Polymer functionalized n-type single wall carbon nanotube photovoltaic devices (January 20, 2010)
Zhongrui Li, Viney Saini, Enkeleda Dervishi, Vasyl P. Kunets, Jianhui Zhang, Yang Xu, Alexandru R. Biris, Gregory J. Salamo, Alexandru S. Biris.
Applied Physics Letters, vol. 96, no. 3, online, doi: 10.1063/1.3284657.
Multi wall carbon nanotube-based RF antennas (January 29, 2010)
Taha A. Elwi, Hussain M. Al-Rizzo, Daniel G. Rucker, Enkeleda Dervishi, Zhongrui Li, Alexandru S. Biris.
Nanotechnology, vol. 21, no. 4, online, doi: 10.1088/0957-4484/21/4/04301.
Adsorption analysis of nitrophenol isomers on silver nanostructures by surface-enhanced spectroscopy (February 15, 2010)
Donald A. Perry, Hye Jin Son, James S. Cordova, Lauren G. Smith, Alexandru S. Biris.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 342, no. 2, pp. 311-319.
Multifunctional Fe3O4 cored magnetic-quantum dot flourescent nanocomposites for RF nanohyperthermia of cancer cells (March 3, 2010)
Yang Xu, Alokita Karmakar, Daoyuan Wang, Meena W. Mahmood, Fumiya Watanabe, Yongbin Zhang, Ashley Fejleh, Phillip Fejleh, Zhongrui Li, Ganesh K. Kannarpady, Syed Ali, Alexandru R. Biris, Alexandru S. Biris.
Journal of Physical Chemistry, vol. 114, no. 11, pp. 5020-5026.
X-ray absorption fine structure techniques (March 15, 2010)
Zhongrui Li, Enkeleda Dervishi, Viney Saini, Liqui Zheng, Wensheng Yan, Shiqiang Wei, Yang Xu, Alexandru S. Biris.
Particulate Science and Technology, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 95-131.
Coupling between plasmonic resonances in nanoparticles and porphyrins molecules (April 2010)
Gheorghe. Mihailescu, Liliana Olenic, Sorina Garabagiu, Eugenia Fagadar-Cosma, Alexandru S. Biris.
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnolgoy, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 2527-2530.
Electrochemical synthesis of titania nanostructural arrays and their surface modification for enhanced photoelectrochemical hydrogen production (April 1, 2010)
Hidetaka Ishihara, Jacob Bock, Rajesh Sharma, Franklin D. Hardcastle, Ganesh K. Kannarpady, Malay K. Mazumder, Alexandru S. Biris.
Chemical Physics Letters, vol. 489, no. 1-3, pp. 81-85.
Carbon-covered magnetic nanomaterials and their application for the thermolysis of cancer cells (April 7, 2010)
Yang Xu, Meena W. Mahmood, Ashley Fejleh, Zhongrui Li, Fumiya Watanabe, Steve Trigwell, Reginald B. Little, Vasyl P. Kunets, Enkeleda Dervishi, Alexandru R. Biris, Gregory J. Salamo, Alexandru S. Biris.
International Journal of Nanomedicine, vol. 5, pp. 167-176.
Cycloaddition of CO2 to epoxides using a highly active Co(III) complex of tetraamidomacrocyclic ligand (April 8, 2010)
Anindya Ghosh, Punnamchandar Ramidi, Sharon Pulla, Shane Z. Sullivan, Samuel L. Collom, Yashraj Gartia, Pradip Munshi, Alexandru S. Biris, Bruce C. Noll, Brian C. Berry.
Catalysis Letters, vol. 137, no. 1-2, pp. 1-7.
Cytotoxicity effects of graphene and single-wall carbon nanotubes in neural phaeochromocytoma-derived PC12 cells (May 18, 2010)
Yongbin Zhang, Syed F. Ali, Enkeleda Dervishi, Yang Xu, Zhongrui Li, Daniel Casciano, Alexandru S. Biris.
ACS Nano, vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 3181-3186.
Phosphate glassy network depolymerization induced by CaO doping (May 27, 2010)
Dana Toloman, Alexandru R. Biris, Dana Maniu, Ioana Bratu, Liviu M. Giurgiu, Alexandru S. Biris, Ioan Ardelean.
Particulate Science and Technology, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 226-235.
Lunar and Martian dusty dynamics: electrostatic, thermal and gravitational transport mechanisms (July/August 2010)
Malay K. Mzumder, Praveen K. Srirama, Alexandru S. Biris, Hidetaka Ishihara, Steven Trigwell, M.N. Horenstein.
IEEE Industry Applications Magazine, July/August 2010, pp. 14-21.
Morphological and electrical characteristics of amino acid-AuNP nanostructured two-dimensional ensembles (August 3, 2010)
Anamaria Orza, liliana Olenic, Stela Pruneanu, Florina Pogacean, Alexandru S. Biris.
Chemical Physics, vol. 373, no. 3, pp. 295-299.
Single metal nanoparticle spectroscopy: optical characterization of individual nanosystems for biomedical applications (September 2010)
Abhijit Biswas, Tao Wang, Alexandru S. Biris.
Nanoscale, vol. 2, no. 9, pp. 1560-1572.
Design and synthesis of biomimetic multicomponent all-bone-minerals bionanocomposites (September 23, 2010)
Abhijit Biswas, Ilker S. Bayer, He Zhao, Tao Wang, Fumiya Watanabe, Alexandru S. Biris.
Biomacromolecules, vol. 11, no. 10, pp. 2545-2549.
Morphology control of tungsten nanorods grown by glancing angle RF magnetron sputtering under variable argon pressure and flow rate (September 27, 2010)
Khedir R. Khedir, Ganesh K. Kannarpady, Hidetaka Ishihara, Justin Woo, Charles Ryerson, Alexandru S. Biris.
Physics Letters A, vol. 374, no. 43, pp. 4430-4437.
Fe-complex of a tetraamido macrocyclic ligand: Spectroscopic characterization and catalytic oxidation studies (October 2010)
Shane Z. Sullivan, Anindya Ghosh, Alexandru S. Biris, Sharon Pulla, Anna M. Bresden, Samuel L. Collom, Ross M. Woods, Pradip Munshi, Laura Schnackenberg, Brad S. Pierce, Ganesh K. Kannarpady.
Chemical Physics Letters, vol. 498, no. 4-6, pp. 359-365.
Spatio-temporal thermal kinetics of in situ MWCNT heating in biological tissues under NIR laser irradiation (October 29, 2010)
Laura Picou, Casey McMann, Philip H. Elzer, Frederick M. Enright, Alexandru S. Biris, Dorin Boldor.
Nanotechnology, vol. 21, no. 43, online, doi: 10.1088/0957-4484/21/43/435101.
Analytic studies of high quality single-wall carbon nanotubes synthesized on a novel Fe: Mo:MgO catalyst (November 2010)
Alexandru R. Biris, Enkeleda Dervishi, Stefania Simon, Dan Lupu, Ioan Misan, Cornel Iancu, Valeria Clichici, Yang Xu, Fumiya Watanabe, Alexandru S. Biris.
Physica E, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 552-558.
Catalytic hydrogeneration of graphene films (November 24, 2010)
Liqui Zheng, Zongrui Li, Shawn Bourdo, Fumiya Watanabe, Charles C. Ryerson, Alexandru S. Biris.
Chemical Communications, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 1213-1215.