UA Little Rock Opens Learning Commons to Provide All-Access Tutoring to Encourage Student Success
The University of Arkansas at Little Rock has opened a new learning center that will help students succeed by providing a convenient one-stop location for tutoring.
The UA Little Rock Learning Commons is a student-centered space that is designed to allow for inclusive learning for any student in need of tutoring assistance. It’s a 13,000-square-foot-facility located on the first floor of Ottenheimer Library.
Students can receive tutoring from the Communication Skills Center, Math Assistance Center, University Writing Center, World Languages Center, and Trojan Tutoring, which provides general tutoring for core courses not served by one of the other centers.
All tutoring is free for UA Little Rock students. In addition, the space also features rooms for small work groups, hang-out areas, desks, and computer workstations.
“Centralizing tutoring services at the center of campus will make it more convenient for students to use them; if a student is getting help with College Algebra, they can also get help with a paper, a class presentation, or the content of a core course, all without leaving the commons,” said Dr. Daryl Rice, who coordinated the creation of the Learning Commons. “The increased visibility and buzz in the commons will help convince those who may be reluctant to ask for tutoring see that help-seeking is something successful students do as a matter of course.”
The Learning Commons will continue the mission of UA Little Rock to help each student excel in school and in life. Whether students need to conduct research with physical or digital collections, write a paper, create and practice a presentation, or increase their knowledge and skill in math or other subjects, the Ottenheimer Library Learning Commons will provide a space where students can access the technology and expert assistance they need to succeed.

UA Little Rock saw a need to increase tutoring for particular courses that are not addressed directly by the existing academic assistance centers. The new general tutoring program will be funded in part as one of the new student success initiatives implemented by a $25 million anonymous donation the university received in 2020.
Students may visit for hours and how to schedule an appointment. For more information, contact or call 501-916-3966.