University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Policy Name: Degree Requirements of Instructional Personnel
Policy Number: 402.14
Effective Date: July 1, 1997
The terminal degree is highly regarded because it represents a high level of specialization achieved under the supervision of a faculty of high-level specialization.
It is the general policy of UALR that the terminal degree in the discipline should be held by faculty who are responsible for offering baccalaureate majors or master’s, doctoral degree programs.
The master’s degree may be appropriate as the highest degree required of faculty members whose primary responsibility is instruction in developmental and/or lower-division (freshman and sophomore) courses.
The terminal degree is not required for the positions of coordinator or director of the Center for Developmental Skills, the Writing Center, the Math Lab, freshman course coordinator, and similar positions. On occasion, a tenured or tenure-track faculty member with the terminal degree might fill such a position, but the terminal degree would not be an advertised requirement for such positions.
It is the general policy of UALR not to hire into tenure-track instructional positions a person on whom UALR has conferred a terminal degree before such person has worked a significant period of time at another institution of higher learning or in a comparable intellectual setting.
Exceptions to the provisions of this policy require the recommendation of the Provost and the approval of the Chancellor.
Approved By: