Original Administrative Organization of UALR 109.0

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Policy Name: Original Administrative Organization of UALR
Policy Number: 109.0
Effective Date: November 17, 1975

Administrative Organization

  1. The purpose of this memorandum is to acquaint all administrative and faculty personnel with university-wide and local campus administrative organization and to enlist their cooperation toward utilizing its potential.
  2. The president shall be the chief executive officer of the University of Arkansas. He shall be appointed by and responsible to the Board of Trustees. Subject to the direction and control of the Board of Trustees and the laws applicable to the university, the president shall be responsible for the management of the affairs and execution of the policies of the University of Arkansas and all of its campuses, divisions and units of administration. As president he shall have broad discretionary authority to effect his functions and meet his responsibilities. He shall attend and shall participate in, without the privilege of voting, all meetings of the Board of Trustees and of its committees.The president and the vice president for finance and administration shall have the authority to contract on behalf of the Board of Trustees.As chief executive, the president shall be the official administrative spokesman for the university. He shall be the university officer responsible for liaison with the General Assembly, the Governor, State offices and governmental bodies, and the federal government. The president shall be responsible to the Board of Trustees for the prompt and effective enforcement of all laws relating to the university and of all resolutions, policies and procedures, budgets, and rules and regulations adopted by the board for the operation of the university and all of its campuses, divisions and units of administration. It shall be his duty to bring to the attention of the board all matters which, in his opinion, affect the interest of the university and require consideration by the Board. He shall make recommendations to the Board for securing the necessary personnel and the fiscal resources required for operation of theuniversity. He shall also make recommendations with respect to adoption, modification or rescission of policies, budgets, rules and regulations applicable to the university and all of its campuses, divisions and units of administration. The president shall prepare and submit to the Board of Trustees an annual report to correspond with the fiscal year of the university and, in addition, any other reports he may deem wise or as the board may require.He shall coordinate the activities of the university and all of its constituent campuses and units in accordance with the principles prescribed by the Board of Trustees. The president shall adjudicate all issues of jurisdiction and all issues in dispute between or among the constituent campuses and administrative units of the university. The president shall be a member of all faculties on all campuses of the university.

    The president shall establish administrative organizations to assist him in the execution of the policies of the university. He shall be assisted by the vice presidents and other staff officers and by the chancellors of the several campuses of the university. The president shall prescribe the duties and assignments of the vice presidents and other staff officers reporting to him. He shall establish and define the duties of university-wide councils, committees or other bodies organized to advise and assist the president. All official communications from faculty, staff, and students on a particular campus shall emanate through the appropriate chancellor to the president.

  3. The functions of the University System are organized under the president into four major groupings, each directed by a vice president who is charged with making administrative decisions within his area of responsibility. These organizational relationships are essential to effective administration, but are not meant to preclude direct relationships between staff members and the president. The four administrative officers and their responsibilities are:

    1. Vice President for Academic Affairs

    Academic planning
    Academic programs coordination
    Articulation with community colleges and other institutions of higher education
    Academic support services
    Graduate instruction coordination
    Program liaison with Department of Higher Education
    Research coordination
    University program analyses and biennial budget requests

    2. Vice President for Finance and Administration

    University fiscal policies
    Budget administration
    Facilities financing and construction
    Investments and trusts
    Financial transactions and obligations
    Financial liaison with Department of Finance and Administration
    General administration
    University facilities analyses, requirements, and utilization
    Personnel policies

    3. Vice President for Agriculture

    Cooperative Extension Service
    Agricultural Experiment Stations
    Liaison with state and federal agricultural interests
    Inter-campus articulation of agricultural programs

    4. Vice President for University Relations and Public Service

    State government relations
    University community relations
    Federal government liaison
    Outreach services coordination
    Inter-campus development coordination

  4. Serving the university in a staff relationship to the president are the general counsel and the executive assistant.
  5. The administrative head of a campus is the chancellor. The chancellor of any campus shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the president. The chancellor of a campus shall exercise complete executive authority thereon subject to the policies established by the Board of Trustees and the president. He shall be the leader of and the official spokesman for the campus; he shall promote the educational excellence and general development and welfare of the campus; he shall define the authority of committees and officers of the campus; and all projects, programs, and institutional reports to be undertaken on behalf of the campus shall be subject to his authorization and approval.The chancellor shall be responsible to thepresident for enforcement of the policies and procedures, budgets, rules and regulations, and decisions of the Board of Trustees concerning that campus. It shall be his duty to keep the president, and through him the Board of Trustees, fully informed concerning the operations and needs of the campus. He shall make an annual report to the president corresponding to the fiscal year of the university and any other reports that may be required. The chancellor shall make recommendations for the development of the educational programs of the campus and shall serve as the general advisor to the president, and through him the Board of Trustees, with respect to all programs and activities of the campus. The chancellor shall present to the president all matters concerning the campus which are to be considered by the Board of Trustees or any of its committees. The chancellor shall be expected to attend all meetings of the Board of Trustees.Subject to the policies prescribed by the Board of Trustees and the president, the chancellor shall make recommendations to the president with respect to the budget and the appointment of full-time academic personnel.The chancellor shall be the official medium of communication between the president and all deans, heads and chairpersons of departments, and all other administrative officers, faculty members, students, and employees of the campus.

    The chancellor shall be a member of all faculties and other academic bodies of the campus and shall be a member of the campus governing body.

Source: University-wide Administrative Memo, November 17, 1975
Approved By: